The Twits Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Twits Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7-12: "Wormy Spaghetti" - "Mrs. Twit Goes Ballooning Down".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What adjective does the narrator use to describe the pieces of green cheese residing within Mr. Twit's beard?
(a) Putrid.
(b) Petrified.
(c) Maggoty.
(d) Awful.

2. Mrs. Twit tells Mr. Twit that whenever he goes quiet, she knows that he is taking what action?
(a) Plotting.
(b) Taking a nap.
(c) Reading.
(d) Feeling sorry for himself.

3. How does Mr. Twit revive Mrs. Twit when she faints due to fear?
(a) He pinches the skin on her wrist.
(b) He screams into her ear.
(c) He puts smelling salts under her nose.
(d) He pours cold water over her head.

4. When Mr. Twit points out that Mrs. Twit's feet are dangling in the air, what is her reaction?
(a) She denies it vehemently.
(b) She laughs uproariously.
(c) She shrieks loudly.
(d) She turns white with fear.

5. Mrs. Twit carries what object in her right hand?
(a) A walking stick.
(b) A knife.
(c) A hammer.
(d) A whip.

Short Answer Questions

1. What food item is NOT featured within the diagram of Mr. Twit's mouth?

2. The narrator tells the readers that the next time they see a bearded man will likely be when what other event takes place?

3. Which article of Mrs. Twit's clothing is depicted as billowing "out like a parachute" (28) upon her descent?

4. What conclusion does the narrator draw about the fact that Mrs. Twit does not have a beard?

5. Mr. Twit tells Mrs. Twit that she probably has about how long to live due to contracting The Shrinks?

(see the answer key)

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