The Turnout Test | Final Test - Medium

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Turnout Test | Final Test - Medium

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Dara and Marie once hear their father threatening their mother with?
(a) Stabbing her.
(b) Killing her in a car accident.
(c) Breaking her leg.
(d) Burning down the house.

2. What does Charlie say about Derek early in Part III?
(a) He might be good for Marie.
(b) He is definitely stealing from them.
(c) They made a mistake hiring him.
(d) He is still a good contractor.

3. What does Charlie say Corbin's form made him think of early in Part III?
(a) Snails.
(b) Scarves.
(c) Chicken wings.
(d) Scallions.

4. What does Bailey Bloom say when she sees the Nutcracker head on Corbin?
(a) It looks scary.
(b) It is beautiful.
(c) It looks silly.
(d) It looks old.

5. What does Derek say will happen if Dara and Charlie let him work on their house?
(a) They will all get rich as cream.
(b) He will upgrade only the kitchen.
(c) His brother will buy it from them immediately.
(d) He will take his case to a lawyer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charlie put on Mrs. Durant's grave once a month?

2. What does Dara do before bed every night?

3. Who does Dara think is behind Marie's new purchase in Part III?

4. Who comes into Dara's house in Part III unannounced?

5. What does Derek say he wants to do for Marie in Part IV?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Randi tell Dara she knows Derek, and why does she come to the studio?

2. What do Benny and Gaspar tell Dara after Derek's death?

3. What does Marie do outside that is strange and sad in the immediate aftermath of Derek's death?

4. What does Dara learn from the newspaper report of Derek's death that unsettles her?

5. What does Dara's mother tell Dara and Marie is an essential part of being a serious dancer?

6. Why does Dara tell Charlie in Part III that they have to fire Derek?

7. What helps Charlie the most with his pain?

8. What does Dara tell Charlie and Marie that people must never find out about in the wake of Derek's death?

9. What does Dara repeatedly recall from her childhood and going to the carnival with her sister and father?

10. Why does Dara eventually realize her mother never cast herself or Marie as Clara in The Nutcracker?

(see the answer keys)

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