The Turnout Test | Final Test - Easy

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Turnout Test | Final Test - Easy

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marie buy for herself in Part III?
(a) A house.
(b) A car.
(c) A new wardrobe.
(d) A cake.

2. What did Dara see her mother doing with Charlie once when she was a teenager?
(a) Reading.
(b) Cooking dinner.
(c) Having sex.
(d) Drinking.

3. What happens to set the construction work back in Part III?
(a) One of the walls falls in.
(b) The crew gets sick.
(c) Asbestos is discovered.
(d) There is a flood from a burst pipe.

4. What does The Nutcracker lighting vendor gift Dara, Charlie and Marie every year?
(a) Chocolates.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Cream brandy.
(d) Cointreau.

5. What does Charlie say Corbin's form made him think of early in Part III?
(a) Scallions.
(b) Chicken wings.
(c) Scarves.
(d) Snails.

6. Who helps with The Nutcracker every year and knew Dara's mother well?
(a) Derek.
(b) Madame Sylvie.
(c) Corbin's mother.
(d) Madame Hettie.

7. Who was to feign making the discovery of Derek's body in the studio?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Mrs. Bloom.
(c) Marie.
(d) Dara.

8. What does Charlie say Derek must have done to Marie in Part III?
(a) Offered her money.
(b) Hypnotized her.
(c) Drugged her.
(d) Blackmailed her.

9. What does Mrs. Bloom tell Dara about Derek?
(a) His wife is a therapist.
(b) He is a great contractor.
(c) He wants something and will hold it close until he is ready.
(d) He is really a lawyer.

10. What does Bailey Bloom say when she sees the Nutcracker head on Corbin?
(a) It looks scary.
(b) It looks silly.
(c) It is beautiful.
(d) It looks old.

11. Which students often sneaked out for donuts between class?
(a) The Formans.
(b) The Kratchets.
(c) The Neumans.
(d) The Snows.

12. What does Charlie tell Dara that is very bad news concerning Derek?
(a) He has left town.
(b) He has been in an accident.
(c) The insurance money is going straight to him.
(d) He is suing them.

13. What does Dara find out from Randi about Derek that she did not know before?
(a) He has a wife.
(b) He has been divorced twice.
(c) He is also a lawyer.
(d) He is not licensed.

14. What does Derek tell Dara that Marie told him Dara and Charlie had wanted months earlier?
(a) For Marie to go on a diet.
(b) For Marie to leave their house.
(c) For Marie to take over the dance studio.
(d) For Marie to leave the country.

15. What does Marie try to get Derek to do just before Charlie attacks him?
(a) Go to lunch.
(b) Listen to music with her.
(c) Come upstairs to her attic room.
(d) Dance with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Marie tell Dara that she saw the night of her own car accident?

2. What was Marie's favorite part of The Nutcracker book?

3. What does Marie tell Dara that Dara has that Marie thinks is a bad warning sign in Part III?

4. What does Derek say that prompts Charlie to attack Derek?

5. What does Mrs. Bloom say when Dara confronts her about missing her bills and Nutcracker contribution?

(see the answer keys)

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