The Turnout Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Turnout Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Megan Abbott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (Pages 210 - 279).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Marie live?
(a) The dance studio.
(b) An apartment building.
(c) Her car.
(d) Her boyfriend's house.

2. What does Gracie Hent say may have caused Bailey to throw up?
(a) A salad.
(b) An ice cream.
(c) A donut.
(d) A cookie that had mold on it.

3. What does The Nutcracker lighting vendor gift Dara, Charlie and Marie every year?
(a) Chocolates.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Cointreau.
(d) Cream brandy.

4. Who does Dara see sneaking around the parking lot in Part III, near Derek's truck?
(a) Mrs. Bloom.
(b) Marie.
(c) Pepper Weston.
(d) Dr. Weston.

5. What did Mrs. Bloom do the previous year that Charlie brings up in Part I as being odd?
(a) Gained a lot of weight.
(b) Got three new jobs.
(c) Dyed her hair blonde.
(d) Went on a long road trip.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marie start to feel towards the contractor?

2. Why does Mrs. Bloom tell Dara she was lonely when she met Derek?

3. What does Charlie tell Derek to do when he begins talking about their house in Part IV at the studio?

4. What does Marie say she wants to buy soon in the end of Part II?

5. What does Dara find out from Randi about Derek that she did not know before?

(see the answer key)

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