The Truth: A Novel of Discworld Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Truth: A Novel of Discworld Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Guild blocks the engraving of iconographs, but Otto believes that he can teach the imps to ________.
(a) Use typewriters.
(b) Carve stone.
(c) Etch plates.
(d) Draw in the dirt.

2. Sacharissa's first story for William's paper is about what competition?
(a) The Swanson Sweet Potato Bakeoff.
(b) The Mystery Meat Pizza Soiree.
(c) The Dolly Sisters Sweet Potato Caserole Competition.
(d) The Dolly Sisters Baking and Flower Circle Annual Competition.

3. Who is Ankh-Morpork's most enterprisingly unsuccessful entrepreneur?
(a) Cut Me Own Throat (C.M.O.T.) Dibbler.
(b) Otto Chriek.
(c) Dr. A. A. Dinwiddie.
(d) Sgt. Detritus.

4. What refers to the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc.?
(a) Canvasing.
(b) Brainwashing.
(c) Advertising.
(d) Bragging.

5. Who is the personal secretary to Lord Havelock Vetinari?
(a) Sgt. Angua.
(b) Arthur Crank.
(c) Rufus Drumknott.
(d) Sacharissa Cripslock.

6. Vetinari, upon first arriving at William's office, has his fears allayed that the shed is not built on a crack in _________.
(a) Space-time.
(b) The worlds crust.
(c) The cement.
(d) The soil.

7. The crime scene at the Oblong Office reeks of what smell?
(a) Urine.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Beer.
(d) Peppermint.

8. What refers to the patient, hardworking, logical, and indestructible people who protect Ankh-Morpork from the ever-present threat of fire?
(a) Morpork Volunteer Fire Brigade.
(b) Imp Volunteer Fire Brigade.
(c) Golem Volunteer Fire Brigade.
(d) Ankh Volunteer Fire Brigade.

9. What newspaper does William de Worde establish in the novel?
(a) The Ankh Tribune.
(b) Ankh-Morpork Times.
(c) The Morprk Herald.
(d) The Ankh Reporter.

10. The official story of what happened to the Patrician is that he __________.
(a) Got ran over by a cart.
(b) Fell off a horse.
(c) Fell down the stairs.
(d) Got hit with a club.

11. When talking with William, the head of the forensic unit of the City Watch lets slip that the jailed Patrician has suffered what event?
(a) A blow to the head.
(b) A broken leg.
(c) Food poisoning.
(d) Internal bleeding.

12. According to Vimes, Vetinari was found unconscious in the stables with how much money?
(a) $115,000.
(b) $85,000.
(c) $70,000.
(d) $200,000.

13. Who is Foul Ole Ron's talking dog?
(a) Misbegot.
(b) Gaspode.
(c) Boddony.
(d) Charlie.

14. On what street are the Ankh-Morpork Inquirer headquarters located?
(a) Grape Street.
(b) Gleam Street.
(c) Glory Street.
(d) Gloom Street.

15. Vetinari is shocked to read the Times' report of how many people being hurt in a brawl?
(a) 56.
(b) 12.
(c) 44.
(d) 33.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which member of the Misbegot Bridge Crew uses the loss of both legs to full advantage in bar fights?

2. When talking with Vimes at the Watch headquarters, William suggests that the peppermint at the crime scene may have been used to thwart what creature?

3. William and Sacharissa are interrupted in the beginning of the novel by a short and red-faced man who presents which possible story idea?

4. How much do Slant and Ronald Carney of the newly combined Guild of Engravers and Printers demand for a one-time shakedown fee from William?

5. What is the name of the beloved pet of Lord Havelock Vetinari?

(see the answer keys)

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