The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joel Dicker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joel Dicker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old was Nola Kellergan when she disappeared?
(a) 20.
(b) 18.
(c) 30.
(d) 15.

2. What did David Kellergan do for a living?
(a) He was a teacher.
(b) He was a boxer.
(c) He was a police chief.
(d) He was a pastor.

3. What was the first event Nola asked Harry to attend?
(a) The county fair.
(b) The match-making festival.
(c) The town gala.
(d) The end-of-year high school show.

4. What did Marcus's mother call him as a nickname?
(a) Marcus the Fantastic.
(b) Markie.
(c) Cutie.
(d) Marc the bark.

5. What did Tamara find in Harry's house that she planned to use against him to ruin his reputation?
(a) A very bad manuscript.
(b) Pornography.
(c) A confession to a murder.
(d) A love note about Nola.

6. How did Travis Dawn feel about Jenny?
(a) Travis had dated Jenny briefly but was over her.
(b) Travis did not like Jenny.
(c) Travis liked Jenny, but not as much as another girl in town.
(d) Travis was smitten with Jenny.

7. What did Marcus find in Stern's house that became a critical piece of evidence?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A painting of Nola.
(c) A gun.
(d) A bone fragment.

8. What nickname does Tamara Quinn call her husband?
(a) Bobbo.
(b) Bob.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Robby.

9. What type of weather event did Nola Kellergan enjoy?
(a) Snow.
(b) Wildfires.
(c) Hurricanes.
(d) Rain.

10. Who is the librarian in Somerset who helps Marcus with his research?
(a) Nancy Hattaway.
(b) Stephanie Riley.
(c) Ernie Pinkas.
(d) Jennifer Quinn.

11. What did Jenny tell Marcus about his investigation when he first talked to her about it in 2008?
(a) She told him he had to partner with a real cop.
(b) She told him he had to see it through to the end.
(c) She told him he had to stop it.
(d) She told him he had to treat her fairly.

12. Who showed up at the Quinn's house the night of the garden party to take Jenny to dinner?
(a) Gareth Pratt.
(b) Harry Quebert.
(c) Travis Dawn.
(d) Luther Caleb.

13. What did Ernie tell Harry he had discovered about his past?
(a) Ernie told Harry he knew Harry had murdered someone.
(b) Ernie told Harry he knew Harry was not a famous writer.
(c) Ernie told Harry he know about Harry and Nola.
(d) Ernie told Harry he knew Harry was gay.

14. Who gave Nola the leather bag that was buried with her?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Harry.
(c) Her father.
(d) Tamara.

15. Which friend did Nola often use for cover when she met up with Harry?
(a) Jennifer Wright.
(b) Amy Pratt.
(c) Nancy Hattaway.
(d) Stephanie Kieffer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Marcus first meet Gahalowood?

2. Who did Marcus think that Nola was also having an affair with during the summer of 1975?

3. Who did Jenny say would be able to tell Marcus the most about Nola?

4. What is the name of the head individual at Marcus's publisher?

5. Why did Nola try to kill herself?

(see the answer keys)

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