The Truest Pleasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truest Pleasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ginny hear after she reaches the revival site?
(a) The minister calls out her name.
(b) A woman wailing.
(c) People talking in voices she can't understand.
(d) Tom's shotgun blasts.

2. To whom does Ginny write a letter in Chapter 15?
(a) Locke.
(b) Florrie.
(c) Lily.
(d) Joe.

3. Who accompanies Florrie to Ginny's house in Chapter 10?
(a) Lilibet.
(b) Lily.
(c) Lizette.
(d) Lauren.

4. Where was the item in #116 found?
(a) In the refrigerator.
(b) In the glove compartment.
(c) In a dresser drawer.
(d) Under a pile of Lily's clothes.

5. What does the doctor order Ginny to give to Tom?
(a) Whiskey with honey.
(b) Chicken soup.
(c) Hot tea.
(d) Cod liver oil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the only place that Ginny feels she can get any peace?

2. Florrie does not believe in ___________________.

3. What does Ginny accuse Florrie of doing?

4. What does Ginny see Pa using to fight the fire?

5. How long has it been since Ginny attended a revival?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the purpose of Chapter 10 regarding Ginny's feelings about Florrie?

2. When does the demon spirit come to visit Ginny and what effect is it having on Tom now?

3. On what topic is Florrie especially annoyed with Lily?

4. What things are happening between Tom and Florrie that Ginny does not like?

5. What tragedy occurs when Ginny attends her first revival in a long time?

6. What is Tom's reaction when Ginny fires Florrie?

7. Why are Tom's rants about taking care of people exposed to typhoid so ironic?

8. What does Ginny reveal to Locke in the letter about their father and the hypocrisy in the family?

9. Why does Ginny feel as if she is fighting for her place in the family regarding Florrie's help?

10. How do Ginny and Tom experience a "baptism of fire" when their land catches on fire?

(see the answer keys)

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