The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aubrey think about life at sea compared to that on land?

2. What is threatening British interests in the area where they are headed?

3. What are Aubrey and Maturin doing as they sail?

4. Who is Clarissa Oakes?

5. In what does Maturin become involved?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the ensuing battle with the French and Kalahua's forces.

2. Describe Emily and Sarah Sweeting.

3. What does Oakes tell Aubrey and what is Clarissa's response?

4. What does Aubrey host on the way to Moahu and what is his and Maturin's estimation of Clarissa?

5. How did the young Clarissa come to live with a distant relative who assumed guardianship of her?

6. What does Aubrey say about the dinner later that night to Maturin?

7. What do Maturin and Clarissa go ashore to do, but what do they end up doing?

8. About what does Maturin talk to two of his patients in sick bay and what is his response to the conversations?

9. How does Clarissa come to be on board the Surprise and what does Aubrey say he is going to do about it?

10. What is Aubrey thinking about as Surprise sails out of Port Jackson?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Truelove brings to light the use of penal colonies by the British during the era in which THE TRUELOVE takes place. Discuss the following:

1. Research the British use of penal colonies? What is the significance of Port Jackson? What is Port Jackson today?

2. Do you think penal colonies were a positive solution to the problem of confining criminals in England? Why or why not?

3. What do you think is the impact of the development of Australia and other countries where England sent its criminals? Do you think there is any long-lasting impact upon the countries? Why or why not?

4. What do you think would happen if a major power today tried to ship its criminals to an undeveloped country?

Essay Topic 2

There are a number of instances of foreshadowing in THE TRUELOVE. Many of these instances, readers will recognize as probable foreshadowing; others, the readers may not be aware until the event which is foreshadowed occurs. Discuss the following:

1. Define the literary term foreshadow. Why do you think authors foreshadow a future event? What might be a reader's reaction to a sudden tragic or wonderful event if there were no hints whatsoever that it might occur?

2. Find four events that are foreshadowed in and pair up the foreshadowing text with the event. Analyze each event to include the following: What is foreshadowed? Is the method O'Brian uses to foreshadow effective? Did you guess when a particular text was foreshadowing a future event? Did you guess what the event is?

3. Along with foreshadowing, symbolism usually plays a role in most works of fiction? How extensive is the use of symbolism in Truelove? Is there enough symbolism to add depth to the writing? Interest to the writing? Explain your statements with examples.

Essay Topic 3

Though it is not as evident in this book as others, most of the entire series of novels concerning Captain Jack Aubrey takes place during the Napoleonic Wars; therefore understanding the political and social situation during that time helps to a greater understanding and appreciation of THE TRUELOVE and others in the series. Discuss one of the following:

1. Research and write an expository essay about how the Napoleonic Wars begin and end.

2. Research and write an expository essay about the naval aspect of the Napoleonic Wars between Britain and France.

3. Compare/Contrast the importance of the British navy during the Napoleonic Wars to the importance of the British navy during either WWI or WWII.

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