The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the approximate date at the opening of the novel?
(a) 1811.
(b) 1833.
(c) 1820.
(d) 1813.

2. What class is the vessel?
(a) A hoy.
(b) A first-rate Frigate.
(c) A man-of-war.
(d) A canonner.

3. How does Aubrey find the Surprise?
(a) In fair order.
(b) Everything but the crew quarters was acceptable.
(c) In total disarray.
(d) In excellent order.

4. To whom does Aubrey give his word that there are no stowaways on board?
(a) The governor.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) The navy admiral stationed in Port Jackson.
(d) The military police.

5. What does Aubrey inspect with Tom?
(a) The galley.
(b) The ropes.
(c) The rigging.
(d) The cable tiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aubrey find below decks?

2. What does Aubrey do before breakfast?

3. What do Maturin and Aubrey agree on about Clarissa?

4. What is Aubrey intending to do?

5. Who is Tom Pullings?

Short Essay Questions

1. What ship closes to Surprises and what is its purpose?

2. How does Edward treat Clarissa as she gets older?

3. Describe the ensuing battle with the French and Kalahua's forces.

4. What strategy do Maturin and Aubrey agree upon despite what misgivings?

5. Who are the rowers of the Trulove boat that is sent over to Surprise and what does Aubrey learn from them?

6. What does the lookout spot as they are leaving the area of Norfolk Island and what does Aubrey decide to do about it?

7. What does Oakes say about Clarissa one morning and what is Maturin's response?

8. What do Aubrey and the crew do to Surprise every morning and why?

9. Why are Aubrey and Pullings going below?

10. What do Maturin and Clarissa go ashore to do, but what do they end up doing?

(see the answer keys)

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