The Truelove Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Oakes, West and Davidge demonstrate?
(a) That they are confused.
(b) That they are upset.
(c) That they are happy.
(d) That they wish to not be there.

2. What does Aubrey do to the crew after a storm?
(a) Confines them to their quarters.
(b) Puts them on light duty.
(c) Nothing out of the ordinary.
(d) Presses them to work hard.

3. What is the name of the good harbor on Moahu?
(a) Pabay.
(b) Swali.
(c) Moakula.
(d) Pukukua.

4. Upon whose behalf do Maturin and Aubrey think they must intervene?
(a) Dutourd.
(b) Puolani.
(c) Maliwau.
(d) Kalahua.

5. How is the dinner conversation?
(a) Lively.
(b) Ambiguous.
(c) Crude.
(d) Strained and stilted.

6. What is the status of the Trulove?
(a) It is running a blockade at Pabay.
(b) It has headed for England.
(c) It has sunk.
(d) It is docked as a prize at Pabay.

7. What does Reade speak about as he is losing consciousness?
(a) Wanting the last rites.
(b) Writing his wife.
(c) His child who died.
(d) The crew going in and out of Clarissa's room.

8. What is the name of her place of work?
(a) The Red Lantern.
(b) The House of Love.
(c) Mother Abbot's.
(d) Scurry, Abbot and Dodge Solicitors.

9. What does Aubrey plan while at Annamooka?
(a) How to recapture the Trulove.
(b) How to recall the Trulove to help in ridding the island of the French.
(c) How to best keep the Southern part of the island friendly to the English.
(d) Ways to drive the French off the island.

10. How does Aubrey try to solve the problem some of the officers are having?
(a) Working them to exhaustion.
(b) 10 lashes.
(c) A tongue lashing.
(d) A reprimand.

11. Where is the Franklin?
(a) In the area of Moahu.
(b) On her way to Amsterdam.
(c) On her way to Lisbon.
(d) Headed to Port Jackson.

12. What sort of reception does the Surprise receive?
(a) Friendly.
(b) Mixed.
(c) Hostile.
(d) Wildly enthusiastic.

13. Why does Clarissa secure a good position when she is put on the streets after Edward's death?
(a) She is well educated.
(b) She is experienced.
(c) She is a real beauty.
(d) She has a lot of nice clothes.

14. With whom does Aubrey discuss the situation at Moahu?
(a) Maturin.
(b) The Governor.
(c) Kalahua.
(d) Mobilia.

15. Who are Wray and Ledward?
(a) Two brothers who often come to where Clarissa works.
(b) The name of the solicitor's firm that Clarissa uses.
(c) The name of the House of Commons sponsors of a bill to legalize prostitution.
(d) Two treasonous government officials.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has Martin avoided Clarissa?

2. What position does Clarissa eventually add on to her first job?

3. Why was Clarissa sent to live with a guardian?

4. Approximately when was Clarissa born?

5. What is Maturin excited to learn?

(see the answer keys)

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