The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Truelove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Aubrey and Maturin doing as they sail?
(a) Discussing the war.
(b) Reading their letters from home.
(c) Playing chess.
(d) Playing whist.

2. What class is the vessel?
(a) A man-of-war.
(b) A hoy.
(c) A canonner.
(d) A first-rate Frigate.

3. What does Surprise cross at the opening to Chapter 3?
(a) The Glassy Sea.
(b) The equator.
(c) The Indian Ocean.
(d) The Mediterrean Sea.

4. Why had Padeen been at a penal colony?
(a) As the warden.
(b) For serious crimes he committed.
(c) As a guard.
(d) As the cook.

5. What does Aubrey note among the crew?
(a) Despondency.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Much merriment and amusement.
(d) Hostility.

6. Where is the Surprise ordered?
(a) To some islands off Cape Horn.
(b) To the Mediterrean.
(c) To the West Indies.
(d) To Moahu.

7. What does Maturin start having about Clarissa?
(a) Premonitions.
(b) Concerns about her health.
(c) Misgivings.
(d) Erotic dreams.

8. What does Aubrey decide about Oakes and Clarissa?
(a) They will be put in the brig in separate cells.
(b) They will be hanged.
(c) They will not be put ashore at this time.
(d) They will be put in a small boat with provisions.

9. What do Aubrey and the scout seem to have?
(a) A barely-concealed animosity.
(b) A private understanding.
(c) A good friendship.
(d) Similar ways of doing things.

10. What does Aubrey anticipate when he goes back to England?
(a) Finding that his investments have soared.
(b) Learning if his father, who was critically ill, has died.
(c) The birth of his first son.
(d) Posting on a much larger vessel than the one he is currently on.

11. What is Aubrey intending to do?
(a) Marooning Oakes and Clarissa on Easter Island.
(b) Marooning Oakes and Clarissa on the Eastern coast of Africa.
(c) Marooning Oakes and Clarissa on Tahiti.
(d) Marooning Oakes and Clarissa on Norfolk Island.

12. What helps Aubrey get a good night's sleep?
(a) Laudanum.
(b) The brisk salt air.
(c) A couple shots of the contraband whiskey.
(d) Re-reading a letter from his wife.

13. What do Aubrey and the crew do every morning?
(a) Flood the ballast and pump out the seawater.
(b) Look over the rigging carefully.
(c) Have an officer's meeting and an enlisted men's meeting.
(d) Check the cannonades.

14. For what will they use the harpooned creature?
(a) To sell at the next port for fresh fruit.
(b) A wedding dinner for Oakes and Clarissa.
(c) To stuff as a trophy on the outer bulkhead.
(d) Bait to catch more fish.

15. What does Maturin hope to do some day?
(a) Find a native wife at one of the tropical islands.
(b) Study the fauna at the Galapagos.
(c) Have a large enough vessel to sail around the world.
(d) Visit both places his patients have been.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can they not visit the island that Maturin had hoped to see?

2. What does the scout report?

3. How does Aubrey find the Surprise?

4. What angers Aubrey about Padeen Coleman?

5. Who owns the vessel?

(see the answer keys)

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