The Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning Maze Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning Maze Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21, who was the most famous oracle Apollo dreams of?
(a) Trophonius.
(b) Orcopolis.
(c) Delphi.
(d) Cassandra.

2. In Apollo's dream, what does Caligula order to happen to the man who wrote unfavorable things about him?
(a) For him to be dipped in bronze while still alive.
(b) For him to be tortured with leeches.
(c) For him to be killed.
(d) For his tongue to be removed.

3. In Chapter 27, which pandos does Apollo let go?
(a) Scimitar.
(b) Crest.
(c) Amax.
(d) Florence.

4. In Chapter 36, what do the seven seeds Apollo and Meg planted turn into?
(a) Pine saplings.
(b) Birch saplings.
(c) Oak saplings.
(d) Ash saplings.

5. In Chapter 33, whose son does Jason identify himself as?
(a) Marco.
(b) Saturn.
(c) Caligula.
(d) Jupiter.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 27, what does Apollo use to stab the eye of the cyclops?

2. In Chapter 29, what is special about the pair of Adidas Caligula has in his shoe room?

3. In Chapter 25, where does Apollo recommend attacking the line of yachts?

4. In Chapter 32, who breaks out of Medea's prison?

5. In Chapter 33, which of the heroes dies by Caligula's hand?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 34, what does Piper tell Apollo and Meg to do after Tempest brings Jason back to the beach?

2. In Chapter 19, how does Apollo remember Caligula acting in the ancient world?

3. What did Jason Grace do after he and Piper broke up, and why does Apollo need to find him in Chapter 21?

4. In Chapter 28, what does Piper tell Apollo about the reasons she and Jason broke up?

5. In Chapter 32, what does Apollo to do try to save his friends, and who saves his life?

6. In Chapter 29, how does Apollo know which shoes are the right ones to take from Caligula's?

7. What does Jason ask Apollo to do for him if he dies fighting Caligula?

8. In Chapter 35, how does Crest help Apollo on the next part of his quest?

9. In Chapter 31, why does Caligula need Apollo to die in a certain way?

10. In Chapter 28, how is Piper conflicted about her own family heritage?

(see the answer keys)

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