The Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning Maze Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning Maze Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first name of the Erythrean Sybil?
(a) Margaret.
(b) Leto.
(c) Herophile.
(d) Athena.

2. Where is Medea from?
(a) Athens.
(b) Rome.
(c) Colchis.
(d) Carthage.

3. What happens to a person when a strix cuts him?
(a) He can not speak.
(b) He goes to sleep.
(c) He becomes paralyzed.
(d) He loses his sight.

4. What is the name of the store where Apollo and Grover find Coach Hedges?
(a) Marco's Military Madness.
(b) Fine Food and Wines.
(c) Freeman's Rock.
(d) Grover's Grocery.

5. What is the name of the place where Grover takes Apollo and Meg in Chapter 5?
(a) Burndom.
(b) Fellicita.
(c) Aeithales.
(d) Meliai.

6. How did Caligula die the first time?
(a) He was impaled on his own sword.
(b) His father assassinated him.
(c) His mistress poisoned him.
(d) His own guards killed him.

7. In Chapter 15, where do Apollo and his friends end up meeting Medea?
(a) A dog kennel.
(b) An abandoned underground parking garage.
(c) A riverbed.
(d) A freight elevator.

8. What is the origin of Caligula's name?
(a) It is from the Roman word for small booties or shoes.
(b) It is from the Roman word for large man.
(c) It is from the Greek for fearsome.
(d) Is is from the Greek for brutal.

9. In Chapter 9, which emperor does Apollo conclude they will be facing in battle?
(a) Nero.
(b) Julius Caesar.
(c) Commodus.
(d) Caligula.

10. What is the name of the command that can override the robots in Chapter 8?
(a) The Zeus command.
(b) The Circe command.
(c) The Daedalus command.
(d) The Odysseus command.

11. In Chapter 13, where are Piper and her father set to move to?
(a) Ohio.
(b) Oklahoma.
(c) Pennsylvania.
(d) Maine.

12. What does Medea wear at her throat?
(a) A model of a sacred rose.
(b) A gold coin from Olympus.
(c) A broach with the crossed torches of Hecate.
(d) An enchanted emerald.

13. Who did Nero used to tell Meg to be careful not to awaken?
(a) The "beast."
(b) Her cats.
(c) Their vicious dogs.
(d) Her own ambition.

14. In Chapter 7, what does the owner of the store approach Apollo to ask?
(a) Whether he can give the owner a ride somewhere.
(b) Whether he is really Apollo.
(c) Whether he wants to buy more grenades.
(d) Whether he is interested in an enchilada meal.

15. What kind of car does Gleeson Hedges drive?
(a) A Pinto.
(b) A Hyundai.
(c) A Studebaker.
(d) A Corvette.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Apollo know he is required to do in relation to the Sibyl in the burning maze?

2. How does Piper take down Medea in Chapter 18?

3. In Chapter 4, what is the phrase Roman emperors often use to refer to themselves?

4. Where is the Sybil's original home?

5. What is unusual about the type of creature who is guarding the Burning Maze in Chapter 15?

(see the answer keys)

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