The Trials of Apollo, Book 1: The Hidden Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trials of Apollo, Book 1: The Hidden Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Apollo see approaching shortly after he and Meg get to the gates of Dodona?
(a) Pete the geyser god.
(b) Two Germani and Nero.
(c) Chiron.
(d) Percy Jackson.

2. What weapon does Apollo refuse from Meg at the armory?
(a) A musket.
(b) A slingshot.
(c) A bow and arrow.
(d) A sword.

3. Where does Percy's hellhound land?
(a) On top of the dining pavilion.
(b) In Apollo's chariot.
(c) On a cloud.
(d) On top of the Colossus's head.

4. Who does Apollo see when he looks at the Colossus?
(a) He sees himself.
(b) He sees Meg.
(c) He sees Zeus.
(d) He sees Chiron.

5. What is littering the ground near Dodona?
(a) Chocolates.
(b) Toe nails.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Human skeletons.

6. What does Apollo tell Meg Nero did to the Christians in Rome?
(a) He ate them for dinner.
(b) He gave them a castle.
(c) He made them his servants.
(d) He burned them alive.

7. How long does Apollo have to save Meg from the giant ants?
(a) 1 hour.
(b) 24 hours.
(c) 1 week.
(d) He is too late.

8. What is Apollo afraid the missing campers are doing in the forest?
(a) Not getting their beauty rest.
(b) Planning an attack on the camp.
(c) Not eating properly.
(d) Wandering around, going insane from the voices.

9. What does Apollo vow on?
(a) The River Styx.
(b) The Grand Canyon.
(c) Zeus.
(d) The geyser.

10. How does Apollo know where to find Meg in the ants' nest?
(a) Meg leaves a path of flowers.
(b) He can smell her scent.
(c) The ants lead him to Meg.
(d) He can hear Meg.

11. How does Apollo summon the ant queen?
(a) He gives her his new arrow.
(b) He does a dance for her.
(c) He gives he a back massage.
(d) He raps for her.

12. What does Rhea confirm about the Oracle situation?
(a) The Oracles do not exist anymore.
(b) The Oracles are being controlled by Chiron.
(c) The Oracles are being controlled by Meg.
(d) The Oracles are being controlled by Triumvirate Holdings.

13. What does Apollo say about Rhea?
(a) She is an evil woman.
(b) He dated her once.
(c) She is a gentle soul.
(d) He has never met her before.

14. What is the name of the giant statue Nero erected outside the Roman amphitheater?
(a) The Colossus Apollus.
(b) The Colossus Neronis.
(c) The Colossus Megonis.
(d) The Colossus Chironus.

15. Who sacrifices themselves to snuff out the fire Nero starts in the forest?
(a) A legion of dryads.
(b) The giant ants.
(c) The campers.
(d) Apollo and Meg.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the arrow Apollo found in the grove do that he does not expect?

2. When does Chiron suggest Apollo and Meg leave?

3. What does Will give Apollo before he goes into the forest with Meg?

4. What does Apollo notice about the trees at the gates of Dodona?

5. Who is Rhea?

(see the answer keys)

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