The Trial Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trial Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Uncle Karl says to K. in “His Uncle – Leni,” “Do you want to lose the trial? Do you know what that means? That means you’ll simply be” what?
(a) Deleted
(b) Incarcerated
(c) Acquitted
(d) Sentenced to die

2. What word from “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter” means to clear of an accusation?
(a) Exonerate
(b) Propagate
(c) Accuse
(d) Condemn

3. Herr Block tells K. after the maid’s disappearance that she’s probably in the kitchen making what for Herr Huld in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer”?
(a) Tea
(b) Chicken
(c) Soup
(d) Cake

4. What is K. carrying with him when he goes to the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) A box of chocolates
(b) A family photograph album
(c) A passport and a plane ticket
(d) An album of sights in the city

5. What word does the Manufacturer use to describe Titorelli that means excessively talkative or rambling?
(a) Obtuse
(b) Existentialist
(c) Contrary
(d) Garrulous

Short Answer Questions

1. What word from “In the Cathedral” refers to an ornamental rail with supports?

2. Titorelli describes one of the tenement children as having hidden where in his apartment the previous night in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?

3. What does Herr Huld’s maid tell K. is the only way of escaping the legal problems K. is facing in “His Uncle – Leni”?

4. When K. arrives at Titorelli’s home, the narrator describes passing a plumber’s workshop where three apprentices are “standing in a semicircle around some piece of work and” doing what?

5. Whose picture does K. show to Herr Huld’s maid when she asks about his lover in “His Uncle – Leni”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Uncle Karl’s attitude when he arrives at the bank in “His Uncle – Leni”?

2. Who does K. meet with in his office in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”? What does this character give to K.?

3. How is the character of Dr. Huld described in “His Uncle – Leni”?

4. What does Block tell K. about his impressions on the defendants in the Court Offices in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer”?

5. What is K. contemplating in the opening of “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?

6. Who does K. meet inside the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”? What does this character relate to K.?

7. How are the women in the novel similar to Gatekeepers?

8. In what ways does K. demonstrate the theme of the individual versus society in The Trial?

9. How is the lighting inside the cathedral described in “In the Cathedral”? What does this represent?

10. How would you characterize the relationship between Block and Dr. Huld in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer”?

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