The Trial Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trial Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Thrasher tells K. when he discovers him getting ready to beat the guards, “You shouldn’t believe everything they say. Their fear of being beaten has made them a little” what?
(a) Cowardly
(b) Feeble-minded
(c) Desperate
(d) Incomprehensible

2. Which of the guards being thrashed says he has a family to feed in “The Thrasher”?
(a) Franz
(b) Willem
(c) Kullych
(d) Rabensteiner

3. Where does Frau Grubach say Fraülein Bürstner has gone in the evening when K. returns home in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach”?
(a) To a jazz bar
(b) To church
(c) To her lover’s house
(d) To the theatre

4. What subordinate bank employee is described in “The Arrest” as having an “intolerable smile caused by a chronic muscular spasm”?
(a) Willem
(b) Kullych
(c) Kaminer
(d) Franz

5. When Fraülein Bürstner looks around her room for any signs of disorder after returning home, she remarks that what “have been messed up” in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach”?
(a) Her dresses
(b) Her photographs
(c) Her pillows
(d) Her carpets

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the guards offer to fetch for K. “for a small sum of money” in “The Arrest”?

2. Who does K. recall having said “that the court was attracted by guilt” in “The First Hearing”?

3. What is Frau Grubach’s relationship to K.?

4. What is the name of the man from the state prosecution office that K. tells the supervisor is his friend in “The Arrest”?

5. To whom does K. say in “The Thrasher,” “It’s about time you cleared out that lumber-room. We’re drowning in filth”?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is K.’s resistance to the system perceived in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices”?

2. How is the atmosphere of the setting described in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices”?

3. How is K.’s behavior toward Fraülein Bürstner in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach” relative to his actions as a whole in the novel?

4. How is the weather described on the day K. goes to find the courthouse in “The First Hearing”? How is K.’s demeanor?

5. What relationship to the legal system does Fraülein Bürstner say she has in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach”?

6. What noise does K. hear as he prepares to exit the office at the bank in “The Thrasher”?

7. What excuse does Willem give K. for his previous behavior in “The Thrasher”?

8. What does K. find at the address for the courtroom in “The First Hearing”?

9. How is the character of Franz introduced in “The Arrest”? What is Franz’s assessment of K.?

10. What is K. doing in the opening of “The Arrest”? How does the narrator describe the reason for his arrest in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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