The Trial Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trial Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When K. enters the hallway to see what the crashing sound was at Herr Huld’s home, Huld’s maid tells K. that the noise was caused by what, in “His Uncle – Leni”?
(a) Her throwing a plate against the wall
(b) An intruder trying to break into the house
(c) Her dropping the tea set
(d) A dog crashing into the kitchen

2. When K. sees a woman who appears to be Fräulein Bürstner in “The End,” he takes “the direction the woman in front of them was taking, not because he wanted to catch up with her, not because he wanted to see her for as long as possible, but solely so as not to forget” what?
(a) The temptation she represented for him
(b) The admonition she represented for him
(c) The brutality she represented for him
(d) The innocence she represented for him

3. At what time does K. arrive at his office when he is to show the Italian Businessman around the city in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

4. At what time does the Italian Businessman suggest meeting K. at the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 10
(d) 11

5. In Erna’s letter to Uncle Karl in “His Uncle – Leni,” Erna says that K. sent her what gift for her “name day”?
(a) A dozen roses
(b) A card with money in it
(c) A box of chocolates
(d) Silk stockings

6. The Trial was written between 1914 and 1915 but was not published until what year?
(a) 1923
(b) 1922
(c) 1929
(d) 1925

7. What word from “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter” means to clear of an accusation?
(a) Propagate
(b) Accuse
(c) Condemn
(d) Exonerate

8. Titorelli describes one of the tenement children as having hidden where in his apartment the previous night in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?
(a) Under his bed
(b) In his wash bin
(c) In his closet
(d) In his attic

9. What is K.’s head placed on by the strange guards in “The End”?
(a) A silk pillow
(b) A guillotine
(c) A tree stump
(d) A stone

10. What word from “The End” means highly offensive or hateful?
(a) Adulatory
(b) Mischievous
(c) Apprehensive
(d) Odious

11. How does Titorelli say he came to his position with the courts in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?
(a) He applied as an apprentice
(b) He inherited it
(c) He got a recommendation from Dr. Huld
(d) He knew the high court judge

12. Herr Block tells K. after the maid’s disappearance that she’s probably in the kitchen making what for Herr Huld in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer”?
(a) Soup
(b) Cake
(c) Chicken
(d) Tea

13. What is Herr Block’s first name?
(a) Peter
(b) Willem
(c) Rudi
(d) Franz

14. Describing Block, Herr Huld says in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer,” “True, as a person he’s unpleasant, has no manners and is grubby, but as far as his trial’s concerned, he’s” what?
(a) Arbitrary
(b) Contemptible
(c) Impeccable
(d) Responsible

15. The narrator claims in “The End,” “Logic may be unshakeable, but it cannot hold out against a human being who wants” what?
(a) To die
(b) Freedom
(c) To live
(d) Love

Short Answer Questions

1. What season is it in the opening of “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?

2. How is the weather described on the day that K. goes to meet the Italian Businessman at the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”?

3. The Priest tells K. in “In the Cathedral” that he also works as what?

4. The narrator says in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter” that “the hierarchy and upper echelons of the court were” what?

5. Titorelli tells K. in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter” that the painting in his apartment is of Justice combined with whom?

(see the answer keys)

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