The Trial Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trial Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Herr Block tells K. in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer” that the defendants tend toward superstition. “One of these superstitions, for example, is that many claim they can see the outcome of the trial in the defendant’s face, especially in the marking of” what?
(a) The eyes
(b) The nose
(c) The lips
(d) The ears

2. Describing Block, Herr Huld says in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer,” “True, as a person he’s unpleasant, has no manners and is grubby, but as far as his trial’s concerned, he’s” what?
(a) Arbitrary
(b) Impeccable
(c) Responsible
(d) Contemptible

3. When he arrives at the cathedral square, K. remembers “that even as a small child it had struck him that the curtains of the houses in the narrow square were nearly always all” what, in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) Made of leather
(b) Drawn
(c) Wide open
(d) Half open

4. The judge who Herr Huld spoke to about Block said of Block in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer,” “Block’s just cunning. He’s gathered a lot of experience and knows how to” what?
(a) Shorten the trial
(b) Draw out the trial
(c) Ask the right questions
(d) Hire the right lawyers

5. Where is K. stabbed with the knife in “The End”?
(a) In the throat
(b) In the head
(c) In the abdomen
(d) In the heart

6. How is the weather described on the day that K. goes to meet the Italian Businessman at the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) Snowy
(b) Sunny
(c) Rainy
(d) Pleasant

7. How is the knife described that the strange guard takes out of a sheath on his waist-coat in “The End”?
(a) A switchblade knife
(b) A long, cylindrical, curved knife
(c) A large bronze axe
(d) A double-edged butcher’s knife

8. The narrator says in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter” that “the hierarchy and upper echelons of the court were” what?
(a) Enviable
(b) Endless
(c) Insurmountable
(d) Justifiable

9. Titorelli describes one of the tenement children as having hidden where in his apartment the previous night in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?
(a) In his wash bin
(b) Under his bed
(c) In his closet
(d) In his attic

10. What word does the Manufacturer use to describe Titorelli that means excessively talkative or rambling?
(a) Existentialist
(b) Garrulous
(c) Obtuse
(d) Contrary

11. Herr Block tells K. in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer” that waiting is not pointless. “The only thing that is pointless is” what?
(a) Entering a plea of innocence
(b) Entering a plea of guilty
(c) Acting on your own initiative
(d) Hiring a lawyer

12. In Erna’s letter to Uncle Karl, she writes that when she was unable to see K. at the bank, she had to return home because she had what appointment in “His Uncle – Leni”?
(a) A date
(b) A school exam
(c) A piano lesson
(d) A choir meeting

13. What word from “In the Cathedral” refers to mental or emotional stability or composure?
(a) Imbalance
(b) Equanimity
(c) Agitation
(d) Discomposure

14. What is K. carrying with him when he goes to the cathedral in “In the Cathedral”?
(a) A passport and a plane ticket
(b) An album of sights in the city
(c) A family photograph album
(d) A box of chocolates

15. The portrait that Titorelli shows K. in his apartment first appears to K. to be a painting of what, in “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?
(a) A doctor
(b) A priest
(c) A teacher
(d) A judge

Short Answer Questions

1. K.’s Uncle Karl is said to be what area when his character is introduced in “His Uncle – Leni”?

2. What season is it in the opening of “The Lawyer – The Factory-Owner – The Painter”?

3. The first painting that K. examines with his electric torch in the cathedral shows a standard treatment of what scene?

4. How old is K.’s trial said to be in “Block, the Corn Merchant – The Dismissal of the Lawyer”?

5. The Priest tells K. in “In the Cathedral” that he also works as what?

(see the answer keys)

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