The Trial Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trial Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name, meaning the servants of an army, does K. call the Examining Magistrate and the others of the courtroom as he exits in “The First Hearing”?
(a) Jesters
(b) Rubes
(c) Court-royals
(d) Blackguards

2. What is the name of the man from the state prosecution office that K. tells the supervisor is his friend in “The Arrest”?
(a) Hasterer
(b) Kullych
(c) Block
(d) Kaminer

3. What is Frau Grubach’s relationship to K.?
(a) She is his niece
(b) She is his aunt
(c) She is his landlady
(d) She is his mother

4. One of the guards being thrashed in “The Thrasher” tells K. that “it’s a tradition that” what “goes to the guards”?
(a) The coffers
(b) The landlady
(c) The linen
(d) Breakfast

5. What is K.’s position at the bank where he works in the novel?
(a) Morning desk clerk
(b) Chief Financial Officer
(c) Vice-President
(d) President

6. What character is described in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach” as a girl “who worked serving in a wine-bar during the night and well into the morning, and during the daytime only received visitors from her bed”?
(a) Fraülein Bürstner
(b) Frau Grubach
(c) Leni
(d) Elsa

7. The Thrasher tells K. when he discovers him getting ready to beat the guards, “You shouldn’t believe everything they say. Their fear of being beaten has made them a little” what?
(a) Cowardly
(b) Incomprehensible
(c) Feeble-minded
(d) Desperate

8. When does Fraülein Bürstner say she’s starting work as a secretary at a lawyer’s office when speaking with K. in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach”?
(a) Next year
(b) Next month
(c) Tomorrow
(d) Next week

9. What public prosecutor does the Deputy Manager say is coming to his party in the beginning of “The First Hearing”?
(a) Kaminer
(b) Dr. Huld
(c) Hasterer
(d) Rabensteiner

10. The Usher’s Wife tells K. that yesterday, the Examining Magistrate sent the student to her with a gift of what in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices”?
(a) A dozen roses
(b) A necklace
(c) Silk stockings
(d) A box of chocolates

11. The Usher tells K. as they pass through the waiting room of the Court Offices in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices,” “Most of the defendants are very” what?
(a) Anxious
(b) Sensitive
(c) Insensitive
(d) Judicial

12. Speaking to the Usher’s Wife, K. tells her, “You could tell the examining magistrate, or anyone else who likes spreading important news, that none of the many tricks these gentlemen presumably have up their sleeves will ever persuade me to” what?
(a) Plead Innocent
(b) Run from the law
(c) Offer a bribe
(d) Confess

13. On what street is K.’s courtroom said to be located in “The First Hearing”?
(a) Ringstrasse
(b) Juliusstrasse
(c) Kopenhagener Strasse
(d) Friedrichstrasse

14. At what time does K. plan to arrive at the courtroom on the day of his first hearing in “The First Hearing”?
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 6

15. What does K. say repeatedly to the woman and man who help him out of the Court Offices in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices”?
(a) I need to see the Usher
(b) Call the Examining Magistrate
(c) Thank you very much
(d) Don’t touch me

Short Answer Questions

1. What word from “The First Hearing” refers to a vicious or depraved person?

2. Which of the guards being thrashed says he has a family to feed in “The Thrasher”?

3. Whose claim that his fiancée is waiting for him outside turns out to be a lie in “The Thrasher”?

4. The narrator describes K. as generally staying at the office until what time in “A Conversation with Frau Grubach”?

5. The second book that K. examines in the courtroom in “In the Empty Conference Hall – The Student – The Offices” is a novel titled what?

(see the answer keys)

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