The Travels of Marco Polo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Travels of Marco Polo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the inhabitants of Nocueran dress?
(a) They were naked.
(b) They wore a thin gold plate around their middle section.
(c) With rings in their nose, ears and lips.
(d) With clothes made from the bark of a tree.

2. What was a camelopard?
(a) Ox.
(b) Jaguar.
(c) Rhino.
(d) Giraffe.

3. What grew greatly in Thebeth?
(a) Bamboo.
(b) Wheat.
(c) Palm trees.
(d) Mulberry trees.

4. What did choiach mean?
(a) Unlucky.
(b) Death.
(c) Riches.
(d) Honor.

5. What did the inhabitants of Chan-glu do with dead bodies?
(a) Burn them.
(b) Bury them only three feet deep.
(c) Eat them.
(d) Display them in the center of the village.

6. What did the name Ach-baluch Manji signify?
(a) Level ground.
(b) White city.
(c) Great ruler.
(d) Desolate.

7. What was produced in large quantities in Lochac?
(a) Silver mirrors.
(b) Copper pans.
(c) Silk cloth.
(d) Sappan or brezil wood.

8. How large was the circumference of Sin-din-fu?
(a) 12 miles.
(b) 28 miles.
(c) 20 miles.
(d) 6 miles.

9. What was the chief aim or goal of Facfur?
(a) Increasing his enjoyment and multiplying his pleasures.
(b) Fortifying the cities under his dominion.
(c) Building up his military strength and adding men under his command.
(d) Administering justice to those who acted unbecomingly.

10. Ships in India were built from ___________.
(a) Gopher wood.
(b) Pine wood.
(c) Oak timber.
(d) Fir timber.

11. How many wives did the king of Kangigu have?
(a) 400.
(b) 250.
(c) 700.
(d) 350.

12. What year did Kublai attack Ziamba?
(a) 1268.
(b) 1269.
(c) 1263.
(d) 1270.

13. What was produced in Dulfar?
(a) Myrrh.
(b) Musk.
(c) Frankincense.
(d) Saffron.

14. What did the inhabitants of Soccotera collect from whales?
(a) Blubber.
(b) Teeth.
(c) Ambergris.
(d) Meat.

15. What was the meaning of jerms?
(a) Ship.
(b) Castle.
(c) Palm tree.
(d) Grapes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What lay five hundred miles south of Kesmacoran?

2. The inhabitants of Escier fed their animals what type of food?

3. What year did the events of Zipangu and the troops from the grand khan take place?

4. What type of animal did the inhabitants of Karazan hunt?

5. What could be found in Mien?

(see the answer keys)

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