The Tracker Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tracker Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Brown track the poachers to in "Guardian"?
(a) A railroad shed.
(b) Under a freeway overpass.
(c) A tent.
(d) A log cabin.

2. Who does Brown have teach him in the Dakota Badlands?
(a) Science teachers.
(b) Indian elders.
(c) He teaches himself.
(d) Wanderers.

3. What does Brown tell his parents at the end of "Thaw"?
(a) That the camping trip was routine.
(b) That he found a dead body.
(c) That he is going camping again the next day.
(d) That police dogs are untrained.

4. According to Stalking Wolf, what must a person blend with their surroundings if they want to go undetected?
(a) Their energy.
(b) Their voices.
(c) Their faces.
(d) Their soul.

5. After killing the deer in "Predator", what do Brown and Stalking Wolf do with the hide?
(a) Make a bag.
(b) Make a cloak.
(c) Burn it.
(d) Make a blanket.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Brown to lose the handicapped man's trail in "Search"?

2. In "The End of the World", what does Stalking Wolf tell Rick and Brown at the cabin?

3. Why does Brown find Rick to show him the three beaver skulls in "True Lostness"?

4. In "Search", who else is searching for the handicapped man?

5. In "Outlaw Dogs", what do the wild dogs start to do that surprises people?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Brown realize about the man by the Jeep in "The Journeyman"?

2. In "Invisible Walking", what perfect, life-altering scene does Brown see?

3. What makes the handicapped man's trail in "Search" the most difficult tracking Brown has ever done?

4. What does "true lostness" mean?

5. Why does Brown agree to kill the wild dogs in "Outlaw Dogs"?

6. Why does Brown know that poachers were killing deer in "Guardian"?

7. How does Brown comfort the handicapped man's family in "Search"?

8. In "True Lostness", why do Rick and Brown argue?

9. How does the spiritual pattern of the woods affect Brown in "Predator"?

10. In "Bear Smacking", what happens when Brown climbs the rock dome?

(see the answer keys)

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