The Tracker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tracker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Brown rescue Rick from the quick mud?
(a) He jumps in too.
(b) He pulls him out.
(c) He breaks the suction.
(d) He calls for Stalking Wolf.

2. In "Chickadee Survival", how do Brown and Rick change with the way they track?
(a) They agree to only track on weekends.
(b) They start to use it to help other people.
(c) They begin to use advanced methods.
(d) They stop tracking people.

3. Why do Brown and Rick grow used to being cold in "Cold Training"?
(a) So they can enjoy nature in the winter.
(b) Because it's winter most of the year in Pine Barrens.
(c) So they can learn to control their body temperature.
(d) So they can prove how tough they are.

4. In "Night Crawl", even though Brown can't see, what does he do?
(a) Starts to walk home.
(b) Goes to sleep.
(c) Builds a fire.
(d) Tracks more animals.

5. Other than tracking itself, what part of tracking interests Rick and Brown?
(a) Marking trees.
(b) Animal skulls.
(c) Being alone in the woods.
(d) Throwing rocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Chickadee Survival", how do Brown and Rick find the lost 5-year-old boy?

2. In "Night Crawl", what happens after Brown and Rick find the rabbit prints?

3. When does Brown begin to take tracking seriously?

4. Rick is less of a tracker, and more of a what?

5. In "Quick Mud", Stalking Wolf says nature will never hurt Brown as long as he does what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What story does Stalking Wolf tell about "smacking the bear"?

2. What is Brown's first impression of Rick?

3. In "Chickadee Survival", why doesn't the storm threaten Brown?

4. Why is Brown never afraid of the wilderness again in "Jersey Devil"?

5. How does Brown know the way to rescue Rick from the quick mud?

6. How is Brown able to stand the cold during his rite of passage in "Cold Training"?

7. How does Brown react to being blinded in "Night Crawl"?

8. What does Stalking Wolf say will happen after Brown does his challenge in "Jersey Devil"?

9. What test does Stalking Wolf give Brown in "Jersey Devil"?

10. What happened when Brown was attacked by a wild dog when he was 10?

(see the answer keys)

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