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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does the heat from the fire do to the ground in "Thaw"?
(a) It starts the leaves on fire.
(b) It melts the frozen mud.
(c) It cracks the dry sand.
(d) It warms it for sleeping.
2. Where does Brown track the poachers to in "Guardian"?
(a) A railroad shed.
(b) A tent.
(c) Under a freeway overpass.
(d) A log cabin.
3. In "Search", what does Brown discover the handicapped man to be eating?
(a) Strawberries.
(b) Grass.
(c) Corn.
(d) Fiddleheads.
4. How does Brown travel the Snake River in "Bear Smacking"?
(a) A kayak.
(b) A canoe.
(c) He swims it.
(d) A tube.
5. In "Outlaw Dogs", what do the dogs do to farms?
(a) Terrorize them.
(b) Ignore them.
(c) Ruin crops.
(d) Mate on their grounds.
6. In "Invisible Walking" how do Brown and Rick annoy their families?
(a) By playing loud music.
(b) By coming home dirty.
(c) By walking too quietly.
(d) By blending in with their surroundings.
7. In "Bear Smacking", how far from home does Brown go?
(a) California.
(b) North Dakota.
(c) Florida.
(d) Texas.
8. What do Brown and Rick divide among themselves when Rick moves away?
(a) Pictures from camping trips.
(b) Their skull collection.
(c) Plaster casts of tracks.
(d) The money they saved.
9. What does Brown bring back to the handicapped man's family during his tracking in "Search"?
(a) Pictures of the man's tracks.
(b) Money to help pay the bills.
(c) Items that prove the man is surviving.
(d) Food to remind them to eat.
10. In "Search", why do some people give up looking for the handicapped man?
(a) It gets too cold.
(b) They get tired.
(c) They get hungry.
(d) It gets too dark.
11. Where is Brown when he begins to cry at the beauty of nature in "Invisible Walking"?
(a) A meadow.
(b) A cliff.
(c) A clearing the forest.
(d) A swamp.
12. Why does it take the deer a long time to die in "Predator"?
(a) The deer is larger than Brown.
(b) The deer fights back.
(c) Brown is too upset.
(d) Brown is too weak.
13. How are Brown and Rick able to observe what the police do in "Thaw"?
(a) They were asked to help.
(b) Use their ability to be invisible.
(c) They watch from their camp.
(d) The police investigate near their homes.
14. How many soldiers help to look for the handicapped man in "Search"?
(a) None.
(b) 100.
(c) 10.
(d) 1,000.
15. What does Brown do in the Dakota Badlands?
(a) Tries to track deer.
(b) Sees if he can survive.
(c) Looks for his father.
(d) Passes through.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Brown go on a dog killing spree in "Outlaw Dogs"?
2. What makes Brown's search for a handicapped adult in "Search" so important.
3. After making camp in "Thaw", what do Brown and Rick do?
4. Who does Brown have teach him in the Dakota Badlands?
5. In "Guardian", why can't Brown enjoy the wonders of spring?
This section contains 513 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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