The Town of Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Town of Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, why is Andrés's father happy to be alone?
(a) Because it is tennis season.
(b) Because it is cycling season.
(c) Because he can drink in private.
(d) Because he can play golf.

2. In Chapter 9, when Andrés goes to Jeremy's house, what is he prepared for?
(a) The possibility of saying something dumb.
(b) The possibility of meeting Jeremy’s wife.
(c) The possibility of meeting Jeremy's kid.
(d) The possibility of lying.

3. In Chapter 7, what do Andrés and Jeremy do the first time they visit Jeremy's childhood basement?
(a) Have sex while watching pornography.
(b) Watch TV.
(c) Play video games.
(d) Smoke weed.

4. In Chapter 7, what does Rosario think of Simone when Andrés tells her about Simone?
(a) She is suspicious of her.
(b) She is concerned for her mental health.
(c) She is happy for Andrés.
(d) She is jealous of her relationship with Andrés.

5. In Chapter 9, what kind of block does Jeremy live on?
(a) One-story homes with beat up grass.
(b) Two-story homes with small lawns.
(c) A block with gangs.
(d) Castle-like homes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 5, who is Nicole?

2. In Chapter 4, before Andrés leaves, he asks about Simone, learning that she is in what facility?

3. In Chapter 1, which year is Andrés reunion?

4. In Chapter 10, what does Andrés confront Paul about?

5. In Chapter 10, what does Paul do when Andrés confronts him about Steer Queer and the man he beat up?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 1, what might Andrés's decision to attend the reunion indicate about his character?

2. In Chapter 6, how does the social and economic background of Andrés and his classmates affect their relationships and self-perception?

3. In Chapter 6, how does Andrés cope with the discomfort of being different, and what are the implications of his coping mechanisms?

4. In Chapter 6, what does Andrés think of his own racial identity, and why does he feel that way?

5. In Chapter 7, how does the narrator's relationship with his mother compare to his relationship with his father? What are the differences and similarities between the two relationships?

6. In Chapter 10, why does Andrés's mother refuse her offer to supplement her pension?

7. In Chapter 9, what trends have the narrator noticed in Jeremy's neighborhood? What might these trends suggest?

8. In Chapter 3, how does Andrés feel about his past behavior towards Nicole and what does he feel the need to do about it?

9. In Chapter 1, what can be inferred about the culture of Andrés's hometown?

10. In Chapter 9, what happened on Halloween to Andrés and his friends? Who were the assailants?

(see the answer keys)

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