The Town of Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Town of Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16, what do Andrés and his brother have in common?
(a) They both work at a record store.
(b) They both behave with an unusual degree of honesty.
(c) They both have a tendency to steal from stores.
(d) They both have a lot of friends.

2. In Chapter 16, what occupation does the guy who gives Marco a lot of attention have?
(a) Manager of Uncle Billy's.
(b) Fashion-trend forecaster for Latin American markets.
(c) Car salesman.
(d) Painter.

3. In Chapter 15, in Andrés memory of eighth grade, he would go over to Paul’s after playing basketball and what did Paul's dad offer them?
(a) A lighter.
(b) Beer.
(c) A puppy.
(d) Cigarettes.

4. In Chapter 15, at the water-gun fight in the backyard, who cannot keep up with Paul's dad?
(a) Paul.
(b) Andrés.
(c) His wife.
(d) The neighbor kid.

5. In Chapter 18, what does Andrés wonder about his past with Jeremy?
(a) How they can reconcile their differences.
(b) What made Jeremy fall out of love with Andrés.
(c) Whether they should start a new relationship.
(d) Why Jeremy's father answered the phone.

6. In Chapter 16, why does Andrés apologize to Marco?
(a) His father makes him.
(b) He feels guilty about cheating on Marco.
(c) He thinks it will make him a better person.
(d) He is drunk.

7. In Chapter 12, back in high school, who did Simone write a paper about?
(a) Angela Basset.
(b) Whoopi Goldberg.
(c) Angela Davis.
(d) The Aristrocrats.

8. In Chapter 19, what is the reason for Henry’s previous attempts at college falling through?
(a) He gets sick, he needs to find a night job, and he drops a class too late in the semester.
(b) He is on drugs.
(c) Ikbir is making him work too hard.
(d) Andres tells him to.

9. In Chapter 20, what is Simone a fan of?
(a) Accents and Jane Austen.
(b) Sports and adventure.
(c) Music and art.
(d) Action movies and comedy.

10. In Chapter 19, how much can an employee make annually in radiology according to Ellie’s cousin?
(a) Up to 60 thousand.
(b) Up to 80 thousand.
(c) Up to 120 thousand.
(d) Up to 100 thousand.

11. In Chapter 18, why is Andrés's past with Jeremy unsettled?
(a) There are still too many unanswered questions.
(b) Jeremy is still in love with Andrés.
(c) Jeremy betrayed Andrés in the past.
(d) Andrés has forgotten about his past.

12. In Chapter 12, what event unnerves Andrés during his visit with Simone?
(a) Her change in appearance.
(b) Her conservative politics.
(c) Her mention of attending a Pearl Jam concert with Henry.
(d) Her cold demeanor towards him.

13. In Chapter 20, what is Wesley's main concern?
(a) He is feeling trapped by a conspiracy against him.
(b) He is worried about his interactions with people in his community.
(c) He is questioning the certainty of his perceptions.
(d) He is having difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not.

14. In Chapter 11, why does Henry become jealous of Andrés's successes?
(a) Because Andrés is going by Andy.
(b) Because Andrés has more friends than him.
(c) Because Andrés becomes more successful than him.
(d) Because Andrés is getting more attention from their parents.

15. In Chapter 11, what is the name of the electronics shop where Henry works?
(a) Walmart.
(b) Best Buy.
(c) Uncle Billy’s.
(d) Target.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, how does Andrés feel about Jeremy’s carefree and careless attitude?

2. In Chapter 18, what is Andrés doing while the men's final is on?

3. In Chapter 20, what does Simone do while watching movies?

4. In Chapter 11, why does Henry’s brother Andy confront him?

5. In Chapter 11, what does Henry's parents warn him about?

(see the answer keys)

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