The Town of Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Town of Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alejandro Varela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, though many people talk to him, surprised to see him after so long, Andrés is most interested in seeing Simone and who else?
(a) Brad.
(b) Patty.
(c) Enrique.
(d) Jeremy.

2. In Chapter 10, why does Andrés confront Paul about Steer Queer?
(a) Because he wants to start an argument.
(b) Because he wants to know the truth.
(c) Because he wants to get revenge.
(d) Because he wants to impress Paul.

3. In Chapter 7, what do Andrés and Jeremy do the first time they visit Jeremy's childhood basement?
(a) Have sex while watching pornography.
(b) Smoke weed.
(c) Watch TV.
(d) Play video games.

4. In Chapter 5, who buys a condo, where they raise their first child?
(a) Jeremy.
(b) Rosario.
(c) Enrique.
(d) Patty.

5. In Chapter 4, what is the result of Enrique's first report card at St. Ignatius?
(a) A column of B-minuses.
(b) A column of B-pluses.
(c) He failed.
(d) A column of A’s.

6. In Chapter 5, who is Nicole?
(a) The protagonist’s ex-girlfriend.
(b) The DJ at the reunion.
(c) The owner of McClain’s.
(d) A regular at Joe’s bar.

7. In which chapter of the book does Andrés visit a Dominican restaurant with Álvaro?
(a) Chapter 9, “Basements”.
(b) Chapter 8, “Parking Lots”.
(c) Chapter 7, “Mom & Dad".
(d) Chapter 6, “High School”.

8. In Chapter 9, what is Andrés dressed up as for Halloween?
(a) Crayos.
(b) Goldfish.
(c) M and M.
(d) Ghostbuster.

9. In Chapter 1, where did Andrés's parents meet?
(a) In the countryside.
(b) In the town.
(c) In the city.
(d) In their condo.

10. In Chapter 1, which year is Andrés reunion?
(a) 5th.
(b) 10th.
(c) 20th.
(d) 15th.

11. In Chapter 8, what is the name of the psychiatric hospital where Andrés visits Simone?
(a) Westchester Medical Center.
(b) Kings County Hospital Center.
(c) Rockland Psychiatric Center.
(d) Bellevue Hospital Center.

12. In Chapter 7, why does Rosario feel guilty about Andrés staying to help her?
(a) Because she thinks he is too busy to help her.
(b) Because she thinks he doesn't like being around her.
(c) Because she wants him to have his own life.
(d) Because she thinks he is sacrificing too much for her.

13. In Chapter 4, why is Enrique angry when Andrés starts attending the same school?
(a) He is not allowed to go to school.
(b) He wants to be known as Henry.
(c) He wants to go alone.
(d) Andrés is taking away his attention.

14. In Chapter 4, on the day Enrique and Andrés start high school together, what does Enrique tell Andrés?
(a) He is still Andrés.
(b) He kissed Jeremy.
(c) He stole a car.
(d) He is Henry now.

15. In Chapter 10, what does Paul do when Andrés confronts him about Steer Queer and the man he beat up?
(a) Apologizes to Andrés.
(b) Admits to his actions.
(c) Denies knowing what Andrés is talking about.
(d) Asks Andrés to forgive him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 4, when Rosario and Álvaro confront Henry about his failing grades, how does he inform them?

2. In Chapter 6, what is the reason why Andrés initially wants to be like his white peers in high school?

3. In Chapter 7, what does Rosario ask Andrés about the reunion?

4. In Chapter 9, what kind of block does Jeremy live on?

5. In Chapter 4, who is talking to Andrés when he is overcome by emotions?

(see the answer keys)

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