Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Of what does Delaney accuse Jack Jardine as they discuss the security gate?
(a) Being a racist.
(b) Being overly dramatic.
(c) Being too sensitive and compassionate.
(d) Being too dense.
2. Whose death does the accident victim hallucinate about?
(a) His mother's.
(b) His unborn child's.
(c) His own.
(d) Delaney's.
3. How old is América?
(a) Eleven.
(b) Fifty-two.
(c) About thirty-five.
(d) Seventeen.
4. Who or what ends up killing one of the family's dogs?
(a) The other family dog.
(b) A coyote.
(c) The heat.
(d) A Mexican.
5. What does Delaney give to the person he hits?
(a) Tortillas and eggs.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Twenty dollars.
(d) Beer.
Short Answer Questions
1. According to one resident, three Mexicans disguised themselves as what to get past the gate of Arroyo Blanco Estates?
2. Who presides over the meeting at the Arroyo Blanco Community Center?
3. What does Delaney see near the creek in the canyon?
4. Where do Delaney and his wife live?
5. What does Candidó buy for his wife with his earnings?
Short Essay Questions
1. Is the security fence effective in keeping out coyotes from residents' yards? How do you know?
2. What does América notice about Socorro's health? How does she first notice it?
3. Describe Delaney's encounter at Arroyo Blanco Estates with the Mexican who wears his hat backward.
4. Describe how the two Mexicans come to be arrested by the police.
5. What is the topic of conversation at the first gathering at Arroyo Blanco Community Center?
6. Describe América's experience looking for work at the labor exchange.
7. Describe the circumstances in which Delaney meets Dominick Flood.
8. How does Delaney discover that Candidó is not guilty of spray painting the gate?
9. Why is Delaney's car hit by a pickup truck?
10. Describe the scene at Dominick Flood's home on Thanksgiving.
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