The Tortilla Curtain Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Tortilla Curtain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Candidó given by two English-speaking men?
(a) A car.
(b) A crib for the baby.
(c) A house.
(d) A turkey.

2. What does Delaney decide to take with him while escaping from the fire?
(a) His journal.
(b) His knife set.
(c) His computer and some books.
(d) A handheld radio.

3. What is the topic of Delaney's column, "Pilgrim at Topanga Creek"?
(a) Mexican immigrants.
(b) The desert climate.
(c) The relationship between dogs and cats.
(d) The coyote.

4. What has América eaten instead of protein?
(a) Salad.
(b) A pile of oranges.
(c) Candy bars.
(d) Popsicles.

5. What is Kit's relationship to Kyra?
(a) Kit is Kyra's cousin.
(b) Kit is Kyra's sister.
(c) Kit is Kyra's mother.
(d) Kit is Kyra's daughter.

6. What does Kyra decide she needs to save from the fire?
(a) Her jewelry.
(b) Photo albums.
(c) Clothing and toiletries.
(d) Real estate documents.

7. Why does Delaney let a Mexican work crew into his yard?
(a) To landscape the backyard.
(b) To build part of the wall.
(c) To repair the siding on his home.
(d) To give them a place to hide.

8. Why do Delaney and Kyra go out walking together?
(a) To share important things about their day.
(b) To share cookies with the neighbors.
(c) To search for Dame Edna.
(d) To patrol the area for Mexicans.

9. What does América think causes Socorro to be blind?
(a) The sexual assault she experienced while pregnant.
(b) The fire that Candidó started in the woods.
(c) The tortillas she ate during pregnancy.
(d) América's inability to breastfeed Socorro.

10. What does América decide to name the baby?
(a) Edna.
(b) Resurrección.
(c) Socorro.
(d) Candida.

11. For one of his columns, Delaney decides to write about _______________ and turkey vultures.
(a) Crows.
(b) Lizards.
(c) Cats.
(d) Hyenas.

12. Whose face appears on the camera film set up near the gate?
(a) Kyra's.
(b) América's.
(c) Jack, Jr.'s.
(d) Candidó's.

13. Who does Delaney ultimately discover has been spray-painting the gate?
(a) Kyra and Jordan.
(b) Jack, Jr. and his friend.
(c) Candidó and América.
(d) Jack Cherrystone and his wife.

14. What starts the fire?
(a) Delaney's cigarette.
(b) The narrator doesn't seem to know.
(c) Hot oil from the fire.
(d) Candidó's match.

15. Why doesn't Delaney commit to openly opposing the wall?
(a) His job depends on supporting its construction.
(b) He is afraid of what Kyra will say or do.
(c) He secretly believes the wall would be a positive change.
(d) He is the chairman of the property owner's association.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens as Candidó is walking toward the Italian market?

2. What does Kyra find in her purse?

3. What change does Candidó notice in América since their return from Canoga Park?

4. What does Delaney do to the incriminating pictures of the people who spray-painted the gate?

5. Who does Delaney decide to follow into the woods?

(see the answer keys)

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