The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Candidó buy for himself with some of his earnings?
(a) A baseball cap.
(b) A used car.
(c) A bottle of wine.
(d) Takeout from a Mexican restaurant.

2. What does Delaney notice after his hike?
(a) His car is gone.
(b) His wallet is missing.
(c) It has stopped raining.
(d) He has cut his knee.

3. What does Delaney see near the creek in the canyon?
(a) Sleeping bags and magazines.
(b) Old treehouses.
(c) Dead coyotes.
(d) Ghosts.

4. Who fixes Delaney's car?
(a) Candidó.
(b) Kenny Grissom.
(c) Kyra.
(d) Al Lopez.

5. What is the subject of one of Delaney's columns?
(a) Birds of the northeast.
(b) Overnight camping.
(c) Marine life.
(d) Rare insects.

6. What does América request from her employer?
(a) A drink of water.
(b) An advance on her salary.
(c) Rent money.
(d) Gloves.

7. What do América and Candidó fight about before she goes to the labor exchange?
(a) América's pregnancy.
(b) Candidó's drinking problem.
(c) América's ability to speak English.
(d) Candidó does not want her looking for a job.

8. How many days does América look for work before she finds a job?
(a) One hundred.
(b) Sixty.
(c) Five.
(d) One.

9. Who does Kyra find inside the Da Ros mansion?
(a) Jordan.
(b) Two Mexican men.
(c) Delaney and another woman.
(d) Jack Jardine.

10. How many hours each day does Delaney devote to his work?
(a) Eight.
(b) None.
(c) Four.
(d) Twelve to fifteen.

11. Who is Dominick Flood?
(a) Delaney's real estate agent.
(b) Jack's client who is under house arrest for banking crimes.
(c) The local police chief.
(d) The man responsible for the death of the neighborhood dogs.

12. Who eventually hires América for housecleaning work?
(a) A fat man with a big car.
(b) Delaney.
(c) Jack Cherrystone.
(d) Jack Jardine.

13. What does Kyra do about the Mexican laborers outside the 7-Eleven?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Rallies support from the neighborhood to help them find places to live.
(c) Reported the men for their illegal status.
(d) Gets to know each one of them.

14. Who does Delaney see on the trail?
(a) Kyra.
(b) His real estate agent.
(c) His dog.
(d) The light-skinned Mexican.

15. With what does Candidó build their new shelter?
(a) Mud and water.
(b) An old camping tent.
(c) Slate.
(d) Discarded debris.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Delaney angry toward his neighbors?

2. What does Delaney give to the person he hits?

3. Of what does Delaney accuse Jack Jardine as they discuss the security gate?

4. Where does Delaney go after he hits the person with his car?

5. Who goes with Delaney to buy pasta for dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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