The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Tortilla Curtain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who nurses the accident victim's injuries?
(a) No one.
(b) Kyra.
(c) Delaney.
(d) América.

2. What is Kyra's profession?
(a) Attorney.
(b) Surgeon.
(c) Realtor.
(d) Midwife.

3. Who approaches América and tells her that she is looking for cleaning work?
(a) Her long lost sister.
(b) Resurrección.
(c) A white lady.
(d) Kyra.

4. What kind of car does Delaney drive?
(a) Volvo.
(b) Acura.
(c) Subaru.
(d) BMW.

5. Which character has severe nightmares?
(a) Jack, Jr.
(b) América.
(c) Kyra.
(d) Jordan.

6. Of what does Delaney accuse Jack Jardine as they discuss the security gate?
(a) Being too dense.
(b) Being a racist.
(c) Being too sensitive and compassionate.
(d) Being overly dramatic.

7. Which of the following would Kyra like to live in someday?
(a) The Da Ros mansion.
(b) The Manzoob house.
(c) Arroyo Blanco Estates.
(d) Mexico.

8. What does América request from her employer?
(a) Gloves.
(b) An advance on her salary.
(c) A drink of water.
(d) Rent money.

9. Who presides over the meeting at the Arroyo Blanco Community Center?
(a) Kyra.
(b) Jack Cherrystone.
(c) Delaney.
(d) Jack Jardine.

10. What causes Candidó's first marriage to end?
(a) His wife was sleeping with someone else.
(b) He beats his wife mercilessly.
(c) His first wife died suddenly.
(d) He leaves her when he moves to the United States.

11. How many days does América look for work before she finds a job?
(a) Sixty.
(b) One.
(c) One hundred.
(d) Five.

12. Who or what ends up killing one of the family's dogs?
(a) The other family dog.
(b) The heat.
(c) A coyote.
(d) A Mexican.

13. Who appears oddly interested in the person Delaney hit with his car?
(a) Kyra.
(b) Al Lopez.
(c) Jack, Jr.
(d) América.

14. What does América bring to Candidó when she returns home?
(a) A wad of cash.
(b) Rotten fruits and vegetables.
(c) A new dog.
(d) Good news.

15. Who does Candidó encounter as he is coming out of the park?
(a) Mexicans.
(b) Coyotes.
(c) Delaney.
(d) The light-skinned Mexican.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does the woman give to Candidó in the parking lot of the Chinese store?

2. What does Delaney give to the person he hits?

3. What does Delaney see on his walk through Arroyo Blanco?

4. How does Kyra recognize Candidó?

5. What language does Delaney hear further down the trail?

(see the answer keys)

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