The Topeka School Test | Final Test - Medium

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Topeka School Test | Final Test - Medium

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jonathan say his family lived while they were abroad?
(a) Like bums.
(b) Like royalty.
(c) Like the locals.
(d) Like traveling minstrels.

2. Who invited Darren to stay and have a beer at Ron Williams’ place?
(a) Ron’s wife.
(b) Cody Williams.
(c) Mandy.
(d) Ron.

3. How does the narrator characterize the state of American culture?
(a) Seven lost generations.
(b) Relentlessly cruel innovation.
(c) Adolescence without end.
(d) Lost boys without parents.

4. What environment does the narrator say Darren’s camouflage pants helped him disappear into?
(a) Kansas plains.
(b) Topeka suburbs.
(c) American empire.
(d) Kansas society.

5. Which competitive events did Jane prefer?
(a) Declamation.
(b) Extemp.
(c) L-D debates.
(d) Policy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator characterize Adam’s relationship with the part of his brain that was always composing rap lyrics and making arguments?

2. How does the reader learn that Darren’s directional instincts were wrong?

3. What is the reputation of the town of Stull?

4. What was Darren’s relationship with Ron Williams?

5. How many years after the Snowball did Darren’s classmates push a girl toward him and tell him to kiss her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Jonathan’s relationship with Donna Selkie like, and what made is awkward?

2. In what condition did Darren wake up at Clinton Lake?

3. How does Jonathan describe the conditions where he grew up in Taiwan?

4. Where did Darren walk to, and where did he end up, before he got a ride home?

5. What is Adam’s relationship with Peter Evanson?

6. What explanation does Jonathan give for why his parents and the diplomats drank so much in Taiwan?

7. What is the narrator’s relationship with Darren’s hike back from Clinton Lake?

8. How does Adam characterize his circle’s relationship with Darren?

9. What is the one situation that holds numerous times together in the “New York School” chapter?

10. How does the narrator characterize Darren as a roller skater?

(see the answer keys)

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