The Topeka School Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Topeka School Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Jonathan when the New York School chapter begins?
(a) In an airplane circling Topeka.
(b) In an airplane circling JFK.
(c) Taiwan.
(d) New York.

2. Why did Adam prefer poetry to debate?
(a) Debate made you nerdy.
(b) Debate was harder.
(c) Poets got more female attention.
(d) Poetry led to better colleges.

3. What is the reputation of the town of Stull?
(a) A gate to hell.
(b) An insignificant crossroads.
(c) A filthy refinery town.
(d) A snotty university town.

4. When does the narrator say the term overkill was coined?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1968.
(c) 1946.
(d) 1941.

5. How did Adam’s friends exercise their aggression through language?
(a) Poetry contests.
(b) Rap battles.
(c) Opinion pieces.
(d) Debates.

6. Who did Amber thank for dinner before Jane’s event?
(a) Jane.
(b) Jonathan.
(c) Sima.
(d) Adam.

7. Why does Jonathan say that he and his friends could not actually go anywhere when he lived abroad?
(a) They were never admitted into local culture.
(b) They did not know any local languages.
(c) They were disliked by locals.
(d) They could not escape their Americanness.

8. When Adam understood the language of products, what did he understand them to be saying?
(a) That they desired him.
(b) That they admired him.
(c) That they loathed him.
(d) That they did not recognize him.

9. How does Jonathan describe the encounter he had with a girl at a bath house?
(a) In the second person.
(b) In indirect discourse.
(c) In the third person.
(d) In the first person.

10. How does Adam’s mother characterize the author of the purple cow lyric?
(a) A children’s book author.
(b) A serious writer.
(c) A mental patient.
(d) A therapist.

11. How does the narrator say people like Darren learn to differentiate themselves in this country?
(a) Through creativity.
(b) Through business.
(c) Through violence.
(d) Through crime.

12. What was unique about the box Klaus gave Adam after Adam’s concussion?
(a) It had been painted by animals.
(b) It was imported from Iran.
(c) It had a false bottom.
(d) It belonged to him before the Holocaust.

13. What was Jane told made her Christmas gift special?
(a) It was created specifically for her.
(b) It was made for her in particular.
(c) It was one of a kind.
(d) It was painted by trained animals.

14. How long does the narrator tell the reader it will take Darren to make the walk he thinks will be two hours?
(a) 6 hours.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 12 hours.
(d) 2 days.

15. What does Adam say it means to be a subject in a supermarket?
(a) To be besieged by colors and manipulative designs.
(b) To be immune to language.
(c) To be spread by objects.
(d) To be seduced by sounds and scents.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator characterize Darren’s skating ability at the roller rink?

2. What event of Jane’s did the Phelpses show up to protest?

3. Who invited Darren to stay and have a beer at Ron Williams’ place?

4. How did Jane defuse Adam’s meltdown when he could not reach his girlfriend?

5. Where had Jonathan’s family lived before they went abroad?

(see the answer keys)

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