The Topeka School Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Topeka School Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does the narrator say it will take Adam to see the connection between Amber’s story and her actions?
(a) Six weeks.
(b) A month.
(c) 20 years.
(d) An hour.

2. Who has just left Adam, when his chapter opens?
(a) Amber.
(b) His mother.
(c) Darren.
(d) His father.

3. What is the model of the bike Darren rides?
(a) A Huffy TrailMaster.
(b) A Raleigh Diplomat.
(c) A Bianchi Speedster.
(d) A Schwinn Predator.

4. What does Adam say spreads Americans?
(a) Smartphones.
(b) The 24-hour news cycle.
(c) Manipulative ads.
(d) Highways.

5. How did Darren’s gun lead to him getting stitches?
(a) Darren shot himself with it.
(b) Darren’s friend shot him with it.
(c) A boy hit him after Darren pointed the gun at him.
(d) Darren split his foot when he dropped the gun on it.

6. Where would Darren put the things he had dreamed about and found?
(a) In a duffel bag.
(b) Under his bed.
(c) In the big pockets of his cargo pants.
(d) In a painted box he kept.

7. What is Adam’s specialty in debate?
(a) Research.
(b) Cross examination.
(c) Framing.
(d) Breadth of knowledge.

8. Who of Adams friends and family could he recognize by name after his concussion?
(a) Sima.
(b) Jane.
(c) Jonathan.
(d) Jason.

9. What story does Amber tell Adam, when he finds her?
(a) About sneaking away from her father while he was still talking.
(b) About looking for him in a crowd.
(c) About competing in a debate tournament.
(d) About drinking with her friends at a lake.

10. Where were Jonathan and his first wife married?
(a) A country club.
(b) In a Catholic church.
(c) On the beach.
(d) City Hall.

11. What is the word for the figures Adam sees behind his eyes?
(a) Amoebas.
(b) Floaters.
(c) Phosphenes.
(d) Stars.

12. How did Darren believe he acquired magic powers?
(a) By kissing a girl.
(b) By repeating a chant.
(c) By rubbing poison ivy.
(d) By entering a dark cave.

13. What is Darren doing at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Walking home.
(b) Drinking with friends.
(c) Hiding in the woods.
(d) Being interrogated.

14. What does the narrator say is the result of the spread?
(a) Non sequiturs.
(b) Drivel.
(c) Labyrinths of logic.
(d) Insight.

15. Who does Jane say was the first person to get her see the knowledge she might have been hiding from herself?
(a) Jonathan.
(b) Adam.
(c) Eric.
(d) Sima.

Short Answer Questions

1. What took Adam to see Dr. Erwood?

2. Where did Darren have a job?

3. What issue did the Westboro Baptist Church protest?

4. What did Jonathan ask his subjects to do for his dissertation research?

5. In Jane’s recollection, when did she discover she failed to purchase airline tickets for her trip?

(see the answer keys)

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