The Topeka School Short Essay - Answer Key

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Topeka School Short Essay - Answer Key

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What is the setting for the opening of The Topeka School?

The Topeka School opens in an interrogation room, where Darren Eberheart is being asked about what led him to throw a cue ball in a basement party, doing damage the reader will only find out about later. The scene is offered as a kind of snapshot a therapist might offer to a patient: tell me what this scene means to you, tell me what led to this moment, and so it introduces the reader to the method of the book, which will be to circle around the key facts from numerous perspectives.

2. What is the setting for the first full chapter, after the brief prologue?

The first full chapter begins on a boat in a man-made lake in Kansas, where Adam Gordon has been talking but his girlfriend Amber has slipped out of the boat and swum back to shore. The scene has some overtones of panic, as it is not clear whether anything has happened to Amber, but Adam brings the boat into the shore and finds her at her house.

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