The Tipping Point Test | Final Test - Medium

Malcolm Gladwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tipping Point Test | Final Test - Medium

Malcolm Gladwell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Methodism’s founder?
(a) George Whitfield.
(b) Howard Friedman.
(c) John Wesley.
(d) John Potterat.

2. What business consultant uses the example of high technology to argue that there is a substantial difference between the people who originate trends and ideas and the people in the majority?
(a) Mark Alpert.
(b) Brian Mullen.
(c) Geoffrey Moore.
(d) Todd Kessler.

3. Who was the former head of market research at Lambesis and a key figure in their success?
(a) DeeDee Gordon.
(b) Todd Kessler.
(c) Barbara Flagg.
(d) Brian Mullen.

4. In 1993, Airwalk was a $16 million company. In 1994, it had sales of how much?
(a) $62 million.
(b) $44 million.
(c) $25 million.
(d) $70 million.

5. Throughout history, armies organized in groups of less than what number, according to the author in Chapter 5?
(a) 2,000.
(b) 200
(c) 100.
(d) 1,600.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what date was Bernie Goetz mugged on the subway?

2. Philip Zimbardo is president of what project at the university where he works?

3. According to the author in Chapter 7, it typically takes how long for a person to become addicted to cigarettes when that person starts in his/her teen years?

4. What sociologist at the University of California at San Diego leads the research on the causes of suicide?

5. The stickiness of cigarettes is innate in what, according to the author?

Short Essay Questions

1. What example does the author present from Micronesia in the beginning of Chapter 7?

2. What is channel capacity, and what importance does it have, according to the author?

3. What do innovators and early adapters represent to the author? What is the early majority?

4. What are the roles of connectors, mavens and salesmen, according to the author in Chapter 6?

5. Who did Airwalk employ as a connector, according to the author in Chapter 6? Why?

6. What have researchers discovered regarding news coverage on suicide?

7. How did crime in New York change in the decade after the Bernie Goetz case? Why do most people believe this change happened?

8. What key figures in trends does the author describe in Chapter 6?

9. How does the author describe the success of book clubs in Chapter 5?

10. How does the author describe the success of Minister John Wesley in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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