The Time of the Hero Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Time of the Hero Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What cadet does the narrator of Part Two, Chapter 3 describe as having been seen in town in a “big red car and he was wearing a fancy yellow shirt”?
(a) Vallano
(b) Arrospide
(c) Ricardo
(d) Valdivieso

2. Where does Alberto tell the colonel his mother is from in Part Two, Chapter 6?
(a) Moquegua
(b) Cajamarca
(c) Pucallpa
(d) Piura

3. Where does Alberto say Skinny Higueras always waited for him when Alberto slipped out of school in Part Two, Chapter 1?
(a) Francisco Pizarro Avenue
(b) Arica Avenue
(c) In Moquegua
(d) In the Bellavista Plaza

4. Who is the art and music teacher that Alberto describes in Part Two, Chapter 1?
(a) Señor Zapata
(b) Señor Arana
(c) Señor Cigüeña
(d) Señor Garrido

5. To whom does the Jaguar say in the barracks in Part Two, Chapter 8, “Yes, you’re a gentleman. Of course you are. Everybody from Miraflores is a gentleman”?
(a) Vallano
(b) Valdivieso
(c) Arrospide
(d) Curly

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator of Part Two, Chapter 2 says that his godfather “lived a long way off, out by” what?

2. Alberto says in Part Two, Chapter 7, “The rest of that day I just wandered around, and a woman gave me some bread and a little milk. When it got dark I slept in a ditch again, near” what street?

3. Who responds to the Colonel that he is to be Officer of the Day tomorrow during the funeral in Part Two, Chapter 2?

4. What does Alberto buy as a gift for Teresa after he’s done the robbery with Skinny in Part Two, Chapter 3?

5. How many cadets does the captain at the Fifth Year barracks say are currently confined in the beginning of Part Two, Chapter 7?

Short Essay Questions

1. What epiphany does the Jaguar come to in Part Two, Chapter 8?

2. Who is the second narrator of Part Two, Chapter 1? What does this character relate in the chapter?

3. How does the theme of secrecy relate to the character of Skinny Higueras?

4. How does Alberto effectively get out of school early in Part Two, Chapter 1? On what days does he leave the campus?

5. How has the death of the Slave affected the Poet and the Jaguar in Part Two, Chapter 5?

6. What are revealed to be the Jaguar’s objectives in Part Two of the novel? Why are his objectives not met?

7. Who is the narrator in the beginning of Part Two, Chapter 1? What does this narrator describe?

8. Why does the colonel meet with the officers in Part Two, Chapter 2? What decision is reached?

9. Who is the narrator in the opening of Part Two, Chapter 3? What does this character describe?

10. How is the Slave injured in the novel? What is the status of his injuries in the opening of Part Two?

(see the answer keys)

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