The Time of the Hero Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Time of the Hero Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Jaguar admit in his note to Lt. Gamboa in the Epilogue of the novel?
(a) That he murdered the Slave
(b) That he cheated on the history exam
(c) That he stole the chemistry exam
(d) That he murdered Cava

2. Whose quote opens Part Two of the novel (“I’m twenty years old. Don’t let anyone tell me it is the most beautiful period of life.”)?
(a) Paul Nizan’s
(b) Enrico Salazar’s
(c) Jean-Paul Sartre’s
(d) Lord Byron’s

3. The young lieutenant who calls for Alberto in Part Two, Chapter 4 tells him to go to the office of his Year and report to whom?
(a) Lt. Pitaluga
(b) Capt. Garrido
(c) Lt. Huarina
(d) Lt. Gamboa

4. How long ago does Alberto say that Teresa came to live next door to him in Part Two, Chapter 4?
(a) 3 years ago
(b) 1 year ago
(c) 2 years ago
(d) 4 years ago

5. Who believes that the squealer in Part Two, Chapter 5 must be the Jaguar after the lockers are searched?
(a) Alberto
(b) Arrospide
(c) Curly
(d) Cava

6. After his meeting with the colonel, Alberto returns to the guardhouse and is put in the same cell with whom in Part Two, Chapter 6?
(a) Cava
(b) The Boa
(c) The Slave
(d) The Jaguar

7. To whom does the Jaguar say in the barracks in Part Two, Chapter 8, “Yes, you’re a gentleman. Of course you are. Everybody from Miraflores is a gentleman”?
(a) Vallano
(b) Valdivieso
(c) Curly
(d) Arrospide

8. Ricardo’s father tells Alberto that they’ve operated on his son how many times when they meet in the halls of the infirmary in Part Two, Chapter 1?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 3

9. One of the cadets says that Alberto is half what ethnicity in Part Two, Chapter 1?
(a) Inca
(b) Bolivian
(c) Trinidadian
(d) Haitian

10. Lt. Gamboa receives a letter from his wife in the beginning of Part Two, Chapter 6. In it, she says that who and her husband were waiting for her at the airport?
(a) Maria
(b) Cristina
(c) Rosa
(d) Ana

11. Alberto sees Teresa with two girls after the last exam in Part Two, Chapter 4. Where does Teresa tell him they are going?
(a) To the library
(b) To the movies
(c) To a candy store
(d) To the beach

12. Where is Lt. Gamboa’s “solitary house” located, according to the narrator of Part Two, Chapter 8?
(a) Barranco
(b) Piura
(c) Bellavista
(d) Moquegua

13. What is Valdivieso’s nickname in the Circle?
(a) The Jaguar
(b) The Boa
(c) The Slave
(d) The Poet

14. What animals does Lt. Gamboa say he’ll be seeing plenty of in his new assignment in the Epilogue?
(a) Vicuñas
(b) Llamas
(c) Turtles
(d) Rabbits

15. What does Tere give to the narrator in Part Two, Chapter 2 for his birthday?
(a) A book
(b) A wool jacket
(c) A sleeveless sweater
(d) A pair of new shoes

Short Answer Questions

1. The Jaguar tells Lt. Gamboa in the Epilogue, “They all say, ‘Gamboa’s the strictest of the officers but he’s the only one that’s’” what?

2. When meeting with the colonel, Alberto says he believes that General Temple is from where in Part Two, Chapter 6?

3. What does Alberto buy as a gift for Teresa after he’s done the robbery with Skinny in Part Two, Chapter 3?

4. Who responds to the Colonel that he is to be Officer of the Day tomorrow during the funeral in Part Two, Chapter 2?

5. Whose funeral is being held in Part Two, Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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