The Tiger's Wife Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Tiger's Wife Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Deathless Man tells Natalia's grandfather in Chapter 11: "The Bombing," "Believe me, Doctor, if your life ends in suddenness you will be" what?
(a) Glad it did.
(b) Utterly miserable.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Weighted with burden.

2. How old is the bride that Luka is tricked into marrying in Chapter 7: "The Butcher"?
(a) 18.
(b) 32.
(c) 13.
(d) 16.

3. The narrator says in Chapter 12: "The Apothecary" that Marko Parovic will not talk about Darisa the Bear at all without enlisting encouragement from what?
(a) Several bottles of scotch.
(b) Several glasses of rakija.
(c) His grandchildren.
(d) A few cigars.

4. What single word is written on the last page of The Jungle Book that Natalia describes in her grandfather's pocket in the Epilogue?
(a) Galina.
(b) Peace.
(c) Remember.
(d) Love.

5. Who accompanies Luka as he returns from the mountain carrying the fallen blacksmith's gun in the beginning of Chapter 7: "The Butcher"?
(a) Ori.
(b) Dubi.
(c) Jovo.
(d) Dure.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Jovo's profession in the story of Chapter 12: "The Apothecary"?

2. Where does Fra Antun describe Arlo going camping in the year before the war with several boys in Chapter 10: "The Crossroads"?

3. How old is Marko Parovic described in the beginning of Chapter 12: "The Apothecary"?

4. The man that Natalia follows into the abandoned village in Chapter 13: "The River" tells her there has been a mora for how long?

5. Who was the surviving hajduk that the apothecary stayed with after the rest of the band was killed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Natalia anticipate happening when she keeps vigil overnight in Chapter 10: "The Crossroads"? What does she encounter at this setting?

2. What leads to Amana's illness in Chapter 7: "The Butcher"? What is done for her when she becomes ill?

3. How does the diggers' ritualistic ceremony in Chapter 8: "The Heart" relate to the central themes of The Tiger's Wife?

4. How is Darisa's childhood and young adulthood described in Chapter 9: "The Bear"?

5. How does Natalia justify her immersion into the story of Luka's back-story in Chapter 7: "The Butcher"? What does this justification indicate about Natalia?

6. Who does Luka intend to marry in Chapter 7: "The Butcher"? How would you describe the basis of Luka's relationship with his fiancee?

7. What do Natalia's grandfather and Gavran Gaile do when they meet in Chapter 11: "The Bombing"? What is revealed about Gavran's past?

8. How does Natalia describe the actions of her fellow citizens and of the zoo animals during the bombing raids in Chapter 11: "The Bombing"?

9. What is the legend of Darisa the Bear's death as revealed in Chapter 12: "The Apothecary"? Who discovered Darisa's remains?

10. How does Natalia describe the contents of her grandfather's bag in the Epilogue? When was the bag opened?

(see the answer keys)

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