The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

Sogyal Rinpoche
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

Sogyal Rinpoche
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does a person need to know to avoid suffering?
(a) Unconditional love
(b) Who his loved one's are.
(c) Compassion
(d) The process of dying

2. What does one enter if they fail to recognize the Ground Luminosity?
(a) The bardo of dharmata
(b) Negative karma
(c) Rigpa
(d) The Union of Deities

3. What is the de lok witness?
(a) Pure love
(b) Enlightenment
(c) The transportation of souls
(d) The judgement of the dead

4. What does the deceased remain linked to during the first 21 days of the bardo of becoming?
(a) Earth
(b) The Lord of Death
(c) Life
(d) His or her body

5. Which of the following is a source of extremely high negative karma?
(a) Euthanasia
(b) Drugs
(c) Marriage for money
(d) Suicide

6. What does Sogyal stress the need to do with one's pain?
(a) Breathe it out
(b) Dedicate it to the benefit of others in pain
(c) Spread it evenly though the body
(d) Take it over with positive thoughts

7. What are the balls of light known as?
(a) Fire balls
(b) Kiplo
(c) Tikli
(d) Deities

8. What is the name of the second phase of the bardo of dharmata?
(a) The Light Source
(b) The Living Death
(c) The Union of Mind
(d) The Union of Deities

9. Who should not be allowed at a dying person's bedside?
(a) Acquaintances
(b) Doctors
(c) Grieving loved ones
(d) Negative people

10. What does Sogyal wish that no humans would fear?
(a) Buddhism
(b) Happiness
(c) Religion
(d) Life and death

11. Name a practice that can lead to enlightenment in this bardo?
(a) Togal
(b) Tikli
(c) Tanec
(d) Johulo

12. What have some people dismissed near death experiences as?
(a) Hallucinations
(b) Dreams
(c) Lies
(d) Chemical reactions

13. What two creatures battle a case for salvation?
(a) The angel of death and a white devil
(b) A guardian angel and a black devil
(c) A winged tiger and a winged unicorn
(d) A black lion and a white lion

14. What does Phowa allow one to do?
(a) Relax
(b) Attain enlightenment
(c) Move into an afterlife
(d) Die serenely

15. Who did Dorothy rely on while in hospital?
(a) Her brother
(b) Her best friend
(c) Her father
(d) Her master

Short Answer Questions

1. What do people say the blinding light is filled with?

2. Who did one monk do as the Chinese led him to his death?

3. What does Sogyal say can avert death?

4. Name one type of death Sogyal mentions?

5. What should one direct toward the deceased to help him or her?

(see the answer keys)

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