The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the symptoms that Barney will display once he has taken the toxin at the direction of Leo?
(a) He will fall into a decades-long coma.
(b) He will have frequent grand mal seizures.
(c) He will go blind.
(d) He will display signs of extreme regression.

2. For what reason does Leo fire Barney?
(a) For Barney's sexual transgression with one of Leo's girlfriends.
(b) For Barney's chronic tardiness.
(c) For Barney's lack of an attempt to help Leo.
(d) For Barney's poor corporate performance.

3. To whom does Barney place a call to ask about a job after he is fired by Leo?
(a) Icholtz.
(b) Roni.
(c) Impy White.
(d) Palmer Eldritch.

4. The colonists on Mars have been warned to watch out for telepathic predators that sort of resemble which type of animal on Earth?
(a) A bighorn sheep.
(b) A fish.
(c) A jackal.
(d) A beaver.

5. What is NOT an action Leo says Palmer Eldritch had taken during Leo's period of captivity on Luna?
(a) He created an illusory New York City.
(b) He invented an animal called a skorg.
(c) He invented an animal called a gluck.
(d) He turned himself into a little girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Barney goes to see who wants admittance to the hovel, whom does he hope not to see?

2. What is NOT something Palmer Eldritch names as an element of P.P. Layouts that Chew-Z will need?

3. Anne reports that while she had been inhabiting Perky Pat with the female citizens of Barney's hovel, they had all been engaging in what activity?

4. What will be Barney's payment from Leo if he consumes the toxin that will ruin Palmer Eldritch?

5. What action does the dog take when it reaches the monument to Leo's defeat of Palmer Eldritch?

Short Essay Questions

1. How and when had Palmer Eldritch acquired his distinctive teeth?

2. Describe how Can-D works.

3. How is irony present in the narrative's events that occur immediately after Barney's call to the UN draft board?

4. Discuss two ways in which the themes of science and religion intermingle within Leo's interactions with Palmer Eldritch.

5. What information does Leo learn from Dr. Smile after he strangles Palmer Eldritch?

6. What connection does Leo draw between his sighting of a Proxer standing over Dr. Smile and the nature of Palmer Eldritch?

7. What extreme action does Barney undertake immediately after his request for a job from Palmer Eldritch is denied?

8. Discuss Barney's wishy-washy attitude surrounding his decision to work for Palmer Eldritch after being fired by Leo.

9. Describe how the theme of selflessness arises during Leo's imprisonment at the hands of Palmer Eldritch.

10. How and when had Palmer Eldritch acquired his distinctive eyes?

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