The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Hard

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Hard

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word from Chapter 28, "The Second Red Coast Base" means to make an idea or cause widely known?

2. How many troops does Emperor Qin Shi Huan order to participate in the gate computing system in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?

3. What weapon did Wei Cheng's wife threaten to kill him with if he did not stop his research in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?

4. For what animal is Mike Evans planting trees when he is encountered by Ye Wenjie in Chapter 27, "Evans"?

5. When did Ye Wenjie begin testing on strengthening transmissions from Earth by using the sun, according to the narrative in Chapter 22, "Red Coast V"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ye Wenjie choose to respond to the message she receives in Chapter 23, "Red Coast VI"?

2. What is described as one of the biggest challenges for the Red Coast Base in Chapter 22, "Red Coast V"?

3. What happens after Shi Qiang barges in on the meeting in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?

4. How is the setting of the Three Body world described when Wang logs on in Chapter 19, "Three Body: Einstein, the Pendulum Monument, and the Great Rip"?

5. Who is present when Wang arrives for the Three Body player meeting in Chapter 18, "Meet-Up"?

6. Why does Ye Wenjie not visit her mother after leaving the Red Coast Base?

7. How do the circumstances at the Red Coast Base change when the new commander arrives in Chapter 26, "No One Repents"?

8. Why does Ye Wenjie claim the Lord is afraid of nanotechnology in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?

9. What happens as a result of the gate computing system in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?

10. What does Ye Wenjie confess in the transcripts from Chapter 25, "The Deaths of Lei Zhicheng and Yang Weining"?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the theme of betrayal in The Three-Body Problem. What characters commit betrayals and why? How does the author explore this theme through symbolism and imagery?

Essay Topic 2

Why is Ye Wenjie taken to the Red Coast Base? What leads her to work at the base? What kind of work does she do on the base?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the theme of extremism in The Three-Body Problem. What are some examples of extremism seen in the main characters? What are the repercussions of extremism? How does the author explore this theme through symbolism and imagery?

(see the answer keys)

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