The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who confirms that there are records from previous civilizations to support the concept of three suns in Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"f?
(a) Leonardo da Vinci.
(b) Rachel Carson.
(c) Yan Weining.
(d) Yang Weining.

2. When do the individuals who killed Ye Wenjie's father say their idealism faded in Chapter 26, "No One Repents"?
(a) When they learned about nanotechnology research.
(b) When they met American ambassadors.
(c) When they were sent to the city.
(d) When they were sent to the countryside.

3. What is Ye Wenjie's respons when Wang Miao asks her why the Lord is so afraid of nanotechnology in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?
(a) Nanotechnology could lead humans to discover their planet.
(b) Nanotechnology could lead humans to more space construction.
(c) Nanotechnology could lead humans to the discovery time-continuums.
(d) Nanotechnology could lead humans to war.

4. What is the position of the man that Ye Wenjie's mother marries after the Cultural Revolution?
(a) He is an education minister.
(b) He is a travel agent.
(c) He is a jet pilot.
(d) He is a senator.

5. Who is the organizer for the meeting of the Three Body players in Chapter 18, "Meet-Up"?
(a) Pan Han.
(b) Cheng Lihua.
(c) Lei Dafeng.
(d) Xu Bingbing.

6. Who set China's Cultural Revolution into place?
(a) Emperor Fuxi.
(b) Chairman Mao Zedong.
(c) Emperor Youchao.
(d) President Xi Jinping.

7. What civilization is destroyed in the Three Body game in Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"?
(a) Civilization 193.
(b) Civilization 183.
(c) Civilization 83.
(d) Civilization 103.

8. How does Ye Wenjie describe having killed two people in the transcript from Chapter 25, "The Deaths of Lei Zhicheng and Yang Weining"?
(a) By shooting them.
(b) By using a telescope to crush them while they moved it.
(c) By hitting them with a van.
(d) By cutting ropes while they were working on the face of the mountain.

9. What do the second and third suns appear to be from a distance in the Three Body game in Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"?
(a) Gaseous bodies.
(b) Shooting stars.
(c) Vast planets.
(d) Moons.

10. Where is the Second Red Coast Base that Mike Evans brings Ye Wenjie to in Chapter 28, "The Second Red Coast Base"?
(a) Deep in an Aztec jungle.
(b) On top of a massive volcano.
(c) Atop an Egyptian pyramid.
(d) Floating on a ship at sea.

11. What is the mean radius of the Earth's sun?
(a) 332,250 miles.
(b) 982,450 miles.
(c) 432,450 miles.
(d) 362,450 miles.

12. What is the circumference of the Earth's sun?
(a) 362,450 miles.
(b) 1,632,402 miles.
(c) 2,713,406 miles.
(d) 982,450 miles.

13. In what industry is Mike Evans's father said to work in Chapter 27, "Evans"?
(a) In the timber industry.
(b) In the oil industry.
(c) In the coal industry.
(d) In the gold industry.

14. What weapon did Wei Cheng's wife threaten to kill him with if he did not stop his research in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?
(a) A machete.
(b) A knife.
(c) A gun.
(d) A car.

15. In what vehicle does the assassin escape in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?
(a) A black sedan.
(b) A white pickup truck.
(c) A black pickup truck.
(d) A black SUV.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Ye Wenjie begin testing on strengthening transmissions from Earth by using the sun, according to the narrative in Chapter 22, "Red Coast V"?

2. How many troops does Emperor Qin Shi Huan order to participate in the gate computing system in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?

3. At whose office does Wang Miao meet the computer specialist from the Information Security Division and Shen Yufei's husband in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?

4. Who is shot, injured, and taken to the hospital during the conflict in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?

5. When did Aristotle live?

(see the answer keys)

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