The Three-Body Problem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year was the beginning of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, according to the narrator in Chapter 1, "The Madness Years"?
(a) 1966.
(b) 1959.
(c) 1955.
(d) 1972.

2. What does Sha Ruishan give to Wang Miao to enable him to see the microwave background on their research in Chapter 9, "The Universe Flickers"?
(a) 2K glasses.
(b) 3G glasses.
(c) 2G glasses.
(d) 3K glasses.

3. To what team is Ye Wenjie transferred that picks up and analyzes radio signals in Chapter 12, "Red Coast II"?
(a) Monitoring.
(b) Marketing.
(c) History.
(d) Defense.

4. What was the codename for China's first test of a three-staged thermonuclear device?
(a) Test No. 6.
(b) Test No. 13.
(c) Test No. 11.
(d) Test No. 2.

5. What did Ye Wenjie study in college?
(a) Chinese literature.
(b) Chinese history.
(c) Astrophysics.
(d) Biology.

6. Who is Ye Wenjie's daughter that Wang comes to see her about in Chapter 8, "Ye Wenjie"?
(a) Yang Dong.
(b) Ruan Wen.
(c) Wenxue.
(d) Shao Lin.

7. What was the profession held by Hai Mo?
(a) Butcher.
(b) Newspaper reporter.
(c) Screenwriter and novelist.
(d) Chemist.

8. What is the furniture made of that Wang examines at Ye Wenjie's home in Chapter 8, "Ye Wenjie"?
(a) Brass and gold.
(b) Stone and metal wiring.
(c) Tree branches and stumps.
(d) Silver and jade.

9. What does Captain Shi Qiang admit to Wang Miao in the beginning of Chapter 10, "Da Shi"?
(a) He admits he has been following Wang.
(b) He admits that he has been hired to kill Wang.
(c) He admits he is a spy for the CIA.
(d) He admits to having had an affair with Wang's wife.

10. At the National Astronomical Center at the Space Observation Center, Sha Ruishan examines data from three satellites. When was the COBE launched, according to the narrator in Chapter 9, "The Universe Flickers"?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1993.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1989.

11. What gift does Ye Wenjie give to Wang Miao when he visits in Chapter 8, "Ye Wenjie"?
(a) A puppy.
(b) Ginseng tea.
(c) A feather pen.
(d) A harp.

12. What satellite is launched at the Red Coast in Chapter 12, "Red Coast II"?
(a) The Magellan satellite.
(b) The KH-9 satellite.
(c) The MPLM-3 satellite.
(d) The Kopernik-500 satellite.

13. Who was killed along with Ye Wenjie's husband due to an accident at the base, according to the narrative in Chapter 14, "Red Coast IV"?
(a) Lei Zhicheng.
(b) Cheng Lihua.
(c) Director Zhang.
(d) Bai Mulin.

14. Where does Ye Wenjie awaken in the beginning of Chapter 3, "Red Coast I"?
(a) At the school.
(b) Inside the Red Coast Base.
(c) On a helicopter.
(d) At her father's house.

15. What is the organization that controls China's nuclear missiles, according to the Translator's Note in Chapter 3, "Red Coast I"?
(a) The First Artillery Corps.
(b) The Second Artillery Corps.
(c) The Seventh Artillery Corps.
(d) The Third Artillery Corps.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Captain Shi Qiang tell Wang he believes someone is working behind the scenes to accomplish in Chapter 10, "Da Shi"?

2. Who is the source of the papers that are presented to Ye Wenjie in jail in Chapter 2, "Silent Spring"?

3. What term refers to scientific research aimed to improve theories for better understanding or prediction of natural or other phenomena?

4. What was the profession of Fu Lei?

5. Who holds Ye Wenjie back when she tries to save her father in Chapter 1, "The Madness Years"?

(see the answer keys)

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