The Three-Body Problem Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III: "Sunset for Humanity," Chapters 29-35.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the female military representative from the Intermediate People's Court that visits Ye Wenjie in jail in Chapter 2, "Silent Spring"?
(a) Bai Mulin.
(b) Shao Lin.
(c) Rachel Carson.
(d) Cheng Lihua.

2. What was the profession held by Hai Mo?
(a) Butcher.
(b) Screenwriter and novelist.
(c) Newspaper reporter.
(d) Chemist.

3. When did Copernicus live?
(a) 1564-1642.
(b) 1452-1519.
(c) 540-500 BC.
(d) 1473-1543.

4. How far is Trisolaris's nearest star described as being from Earth in Chapter 33, "Trisolaris, Sophon"?
(a) 20,000 light years.
(b) 10,000 light years.
(c) 40,000 light years.
(d) 30,000 light years.

5. What message is conveyed to humans in the completion of the Trisolaran report that Ye Wenjie reads in Chapter 33, "Trisolaris, Sophon"?
(a) "Prepare for war!"
(b) "You're bugs!"
(c) "Stay out!"
(d) "We're coming!"

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes the Mount Wilson Observatory to have more natural steady air than any location in North America?

2. When did the name "three-body problem" begin to be commonly used?

3. When did Aristotle live?

4. How much money does Mike Evans's father leave him when he dies?

5. How many years go by with Evans working to confirm the truths of Ye Wenjie's story in Chapter 28, "The Second Red Coast Base"?

(see the answer key)

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