The Three-Body Problem Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: "Three Body," Chapters 15-20 and Part III: "Sunset for Humanity," Chapter 21.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word from Chapter 13, "Red Coast III" refers to leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others?
(a) Hegemony.
(b) Anarchy.
(c) Polygamy.
(d) Misogyny.

2. How many troops does Emperor Qin Shi Huan order to participate in the gate computing system in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?
(a) 10 billion.
(b) 30 billion.
(c) 30 million.
(d) 20 million.

3. When did Einstein visit Shanghai, according to the narrative in Chapter 1, "The Madness Years"?
(a) 1926.
(b) 1922.
(c) 1919.
(d) 1932.

4. What does "WMAP" stand for in the narrative?
(a) Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
(b) Wangfujing Microwave Astrophysics Probe.
(c) Watson Microwave Astral Probe.
(d) Waterson Microwave Astrophysics Probe.

5. What was the codename for China's first test of a three-staged thermonuclear device?
(a) Test No. 2.
(b) Test No. 13.
(c) Test No. 6.
(d) Test No. 11.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is discovered to have been murdered in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?

2. What term is Wang Miao contemplating from the Three Bodies game in the beginning of Chapter 8, "Ye Wenjie"?

3. How many stable configurations has Wei Cheng's algorithm uncovered for the three bodies, according to the narrative in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?

4. Who is the female military representative from the Intermediate People's Court that visits Ye Wenjie in jail in Chapter 2, "Silent Spring"?

5. What was the profession held by Hai Mo?

(see the answer key)

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