The Thomas Berryman Number Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thomas Berryman Number Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Oona Quinn in relation to Berryman?
(a) His wife.
(b) His girlfriend.
(c) His sister.
(d) His friend.

2. What is Berryman doing when he sees a car drive past his house several times?
(a) Fixing his roof.
(b) Washing his car.
(c) Mowing his lawn.
(d) Painting his shutters.

3. What does Horn tell the person he visits at the police station to do?
(a) Help him with an upcoming speech.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Protect him.
(d) Campaign with him.

4. What is Berryman's father's profession?
(a) Retired doctor.
(b) Retired judge.
(c) Retired cop.
(d) Retired lawyer.

5. Why does Berryman run an errand for himself when he normally would not?
(a) Ben has disappeared.
(b) Oona will not do it.
(c) He only trusts himself to do it.
(d) It is part of his assignment.

6. What does Berryman question Oona about the morning after he slips and tells her his secret?
(a) Whether she trusts him.
(b) Whether she'll help him kill Horn.
(c) Whether he should kill Horn.
(d) Whether she could kill someone if given money to do it.

7. What does Berryman find when he breaks into Poole's house?
(a) A layout of Horn's rally.
(b) Useful photographs.
(c) A note with the date and time of Horn's rally.
(d) Poole's gun.

8. What is the name of the hairstyle Horn is known for?
(a) Elvis.
(b) Mullet.
(c) Pompadour.
(d) Shag.

9. Why is the threat on Horn's life not aired on live television?
(a) The television broadcast was cut short.
(b) There was a three second delay.
(c) There was a 10 second delay.
(d) The television airwaves lost power.

10. How does Ochs describe Horn?
(a) Adventurous and kind.
(b) Strong and proud.
(c) Bold.
(d) Arrogant.

11. When Ochs returns to Nashville in Part 4, who is being investigated?
(a) Ben Toy.
(b) Oona Quinn.
(c) Johnboy Terrell.
(d) Jimmie Lee Horn.

12. What does Ochs say Horn has aspirations for involving his future?
(a) Military.
(b) Space travel.
(c) Law Enforcement.
(d) Politics.

13. What does Oona tell Ochs about during their meeting?
(a) Where Berryman is.
(b) Where she was an hour before his arrival.
(c) Her knowledge of the murder of Horn.
(d) How she met Berryman.

14. What does Horn's adviser instruct Horn to do in order to receive more votes?
(a) Visit more white neighborhoods.
(b) Speak differently.
(c) Cut his hair.
(d) Buy a different wardrobe.

15. What are Berryman's thoughts about the car that drives past his house several times?
(a) He doesn't become alarmed.
(b) He follows the car.
(c) He doesn't notice the car.
(d) He memorizes the license plate number.

Short Answer Questions

1. As a result of one of Ochs's articles, what does he personally receive?

2. Where does Ben go in the midst of a nervous breakdown?

3. Why does Berryman go see Johnboy after visiting his father?

4. Who does Horn go visit at the police headquarters in Nashville?

5. When arriving in Nashville, where does Berryman go?

(see the answer keys)

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