The Thirteenth Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Kitty?
(a) The cat that was tormented by Adline and Emmeline.
(b) Mrs. Love.
(c) Mrs. Loves' sister.
(d) Aurelius' first wife.

2. What does John-the-dig decide to do about Charlie's disappearance?
(a) Go to London to look for Charlie.
(b) Call in the police to search the grounds.
(c) Not tell anyone that Charlie is gone.
(d) Put an announcement in the paper saying Charlie is missing.

3. After her writing is complete and the household chores are finished, Margaret finally:
(a) Remembers the details that helped her find Hester.
(b) Goes to the garden and cries for the deaths in her life.
(c) Begins to listen to the tape recordings of her interviews.
(d) Is able to call home and talk to her father.

4. How does Margaret help Vida Winter after the telling of these painful memories?
(a) She helps her decide to find a new doctor.
(b) She holds her and comforts her in the pain of the memory.
(c) She sings to her when her physical pain is severe.
(d) She finds Hester.

5. Who does John-the-Dig teach about trimming the topiary garden?
(a) The new boy, Proctor.
(b) His nephew.
(c) Adeline.
(d) Both twins.

6. Where does Adeline look for Charlie?
(a) In London.
(b) A small hovel, or house in the woods.
(c) In Isabelle's room.
(d) At the bottom of the pond, close to where the twins played.

7. Who does Margaret surmise must have tampered with the ladder's safety latch?
(a) The doctor.
(b) The Missus.
(c) Adeline.
(d) Ambrose Proctor.

8. The weather on the night that Ms. Winters died was:
(a) Continuous snow.
(b) Calm; finally spring seemed to arrive.
(c) Foggy; Margaret tried to see out, but couldn't.
(d) Hard rain with thunder and lightning.

9. The remains (bones) at Angelfield were not Hester's but:
(a) The daughter of John-the-dig's.
(b) The doctor's wife's.
(c) Charlie's.
(d) One of the twin's.

10. What news comes from the asylum about Isabelle?
(a) She has escaped from the asylum and has been spotted in London.
(b) She is sick, near death, and keeps asking for Charlie.
(c) Isabelle is dead.
(d) She would be returning later in the week.

11. To whom will Margaret give the long biographical document about Ms. Winters?
(a) Aurelius.
(b) The Missus' daughter.
(c) Karen.
(d) Tom and Emma, Ambrose's grandchildren.

12. What does Ambrose teach Vida Winter to do before he leaves?
(a) How to cook potatoes.
(b) How to kill a chicken.
(c) How to make a telephone call.
(d) How to read and write.

13. What has happened moments before Margaret's return to Vida Winter's house?
(a) Judith has announced that she is leaving.
(b) Emmeline has died.
(c) Three people believe they have seen the ghost.
(d) The violinist has been discovered.

14. After several days of suspicious quiet, who enters Charlie's room to investigate?
(a) John-the-dig and the Missus.
(b) John-the-Dig, Adeline, Emmeline, and the Missus.
(c) John-the-dig and Adeline.
(d) John-the Dig and Emmeline.

15. After meeting Emmeline and confronting Vida WInter about her sister, what does Margaret learn about Emmeline?
(a) Emmeline is mostly deaf and partly blind.
(b) Emmeline has been mentally ill, but she is getting better.
(c) Emmeline is dying.
(d) Emmeline has not spoken in eighteen years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who discovered the third child first?

2. Who comes to visit Margaret at the end of the book?

3. What does Margaret keep of Ms. Winter belongings?

4. When Aurelius takes Margaret to his home, what does he do?

5. Which of the three children became Vida Winter?

(see the answer keys)

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