The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Four, Beginnings: Snow, Happy Birthday, The Thirteenth Tale, and Postscriptum,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Hester seems to be making some positive impact?
(a) Adeline.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Emmeline.
(d) Isabelle.

2. What does Vida Winter ask of Margaret when Margaret is sick?
(a) To stop trying to figure out the twin language.
(b) Not to go away for Christmas.
(c) For Margaret to hurry and finish the book in the next month.
(d) To hear Margaret's story.

3. Hester has become quite well-read on what subject?
(a) The treatment of mental illness using leeches.
(b) The geneological history of the Angelfield family.
(c) The relationship and behavior of twins.
(d) The architecture of old English houses.

4. Winter's frankness and honesty create a strong first reaction in Margaret. Early in their first conversation, Margaret:
(a) Becomes angry at the way Winter treats her housekeeper, Judith.
(b) Begins crying with strong sadness at the first story she is told.
(c) Is shocked by the sordid details of Winter's immoral past.
(d) Rises from her chair, and nearly exits the room.

5. Why does Hester think she has seen a ghost?
(a) She sees lights on the moors and the faint shape of a woman on horseback.
(b) She hears singing coming from the library. When she enters, there is no one there, but the locked door is open.
(c) She sees the twins together, even though they are physically in two different places.
(d) She sees a woman in white three different times in the garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. The following can be said about the bookshop:

2. What does the chapter title, "Box of Lives" refer to?

3. To whom will Margaret give the long biographical document about Ms. Winters?

4. Who else participates in the"experiment" of Hester and the doctor?

5. What lie does Adeline tell Mr. Lomax about Charlie?

(see the answer key)

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