The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One, Beginnings: Merrily and the Perambulator and Dr. and Mrs. Maudsley.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The following can be said about the bookshop:
(a) There are seven rooms of used books.
(b) All of the answers are true.
(c) Students come to sell and resell textbooks.
(d) Most of the store's income is gained through rare book transactions.

2. What physical feature on Vida Winter is distinctive?
(a) Her hair is a deep black except for thick streaks of silver and white.
(b) Her hand is badly scarred from fire; a mark like a Q was also embedded in the scar.
(c) She walks with a pronounced limp; one leg is signicantly shorter than the other.
(d) Her left arm has three burn marks; a cross-like symbol marks her, not unlike a brand.

3. What promise does Margaret ask of Winter before committing to the writing of her biography?
(a) Winter must let them write outside in the garden, in the flowers.
(b) Winter must be willing to offer editing and writing advice for Margaret's own writing.
(c) Margaret must be allowed to have freedom to come and go from the house.
(d) Winter must tell Margaret three facts that can be validated in public record.

4. What happens to Roland, Isabelle's husband?
(a) He leaves for America, promising Isabelle he would send for her.
(b) He dies of pneunomia.
(c) He leaves Isabelle for another woman soon after their marriage.
(d) He is called to military service and dies on the battlefield.

5. What is surprising about the appearance of the letter for Margaret?
(a) Each line is in a new color of ink.
(b) Margaret's name is mispelled, and there is no return address.
(c) The type is faint and barely recognizable.
(d) It is handwritten by a person who is either a child or an invalid.

Short Answer Questions

1. A woman in white used what to hurt a visitor to the Angelfield house?

2. In what way did the bookstore help in Margaret's education?

3. What is one overwhelming first impression of Vida Winter's house?

4. On her first night at Vida Winter's house, Margaret looks out into the night before going to bed. What does she see?

5. What is the phrase from the letter Margaret has received that keeps running through Margaret's mind?

(see the answer key)

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