The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One, Beginnings: Arrival and Meeting Miss Winter.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is significant about the name of the author, Vida Winter?
(a) "Vida" comes from the same root word as "vitality," meaning life.
(b) It is clearly a pen name, and her real name is a mystery.
(c) It is the same name as her father's relative.
(d) The former owner of the bookstore was named Jacob Winter.

2. Winter's frankness and honesty create a strong first reaction in Margaret. Early in their first conversation, Margaret:
(a) Becomes angry at the way Winter treats her housekeeper, Judith.
(b) Begins crying with strong sadness at the first story she is told.
(c) Rises from her chair, and nearly exits the room.
(d) Is shocked by the sordid details of Winter's immoral past.

3. In literature, what are examples of the "Rule of Three" which Vida Winter cites?
(a) Three sides of a golden triangle, three crowns on three kings.
(b) Three drunken sailors, three Christmas hens.
(c) Three of the trinity, three of Satan.
(d) Fisherman's three wishes, three Billy Goats Gruff.

4. What is the first question Margaret asks Vida WInter?
(a) What happened to the (missing) thirteenth story in her first book.
(b) An explanation about the rumor that her house is haunted.
(c) Whether Winter is terminally ill and fears death will end her life soon.
(d) Her real name.

5. What is Margaret's opinion about Vida Winter's writing?
(a) She is surprised that Winter seems to have stolen one on Margaret's stories.
(b) She likes the writing, but has no interest in meeting WInter.
(c) She is frustrated by the happy endings and predictable plots.
(d) She loves it, and spends days doing nothing else but reading Winter's books.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the phrase from the letter Margaret has received that keeps running through Margaret's mind?

2. When Vida Winter cries out a name, Margaret realizes that she and Winter have something in common. What is it?

3. On her first night at Vida Winter's house, Margaret looks out into the night before going to bed. What does she see?

4. How many different (untrue) versions of her life has Ms. Winter told to reporters and interviewers?

5. In their first interview, Winter reveals to Margaret a painful bit of her history earlier than she wanted to.

(see the answer key)

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