The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Middles: Everybody Has a Story, December Days, Sisters, A Diary and a Train, Demolishing the Past, and Hester's Diary II,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Margaret do when she hears a mysterious sound late at night?
(a) Wakes up John-the-dig, and tells him to bring his gun.
(b) Goes to stay with Aurelius, her only friend.
(c) Confronts Ms. Winter and asks for the truth.
(d) Walks out into the garden to investigate.

2. As Margaret settles into her bedroom on her first night in Vida Winter's house, she rearranges which aspect of the bedroom?
(a) She takes down the heavy curtains from the windows.
(b) A picture on the wall troubles her, so she turns it around to face the wall.
(c) She moves the heavy chair nearer to the fireplace in order to stay warm.
(d) The canopy bed frightens her because she cannot see into the room, so she removes the curtain.

3. What is troubling to Margaret as she visits Angelfield a second time?
(a) She hears violin playing in the dark.
(b) She is wondering if she will meet Aurelius and fall in love.
(c) She keeps wishing she could meet her twin.
(d) She thinks she senses someone in the fog that surrounds her.

4. What does Aurelius Love bring to Margaret after she falls?
(a) Bandages and crutches.
(b) A cup of tea and some cake.
(c) A golf cart so she would not have to walk on her sore foot.
(d) A photograph.

5. What is significant about the name of the author, Vida Winter?
(a) It is the same name as her father's relative.
(b) It is clearly a pen name, and her real name is a mystery.
(c) "Vida" comes from the same root word as "vitality," meaning life.
(d) The former owner of the bookstore was named Jacob Winter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one source of income for the people left at Angelfield?

2. Where does Margaret begin her research to verify the three parts of Ms. Winter's story?

3. Hester is troubled about a boy in the garden. Why?

4. What is one overwhelming first impression of Vida Winter's house?

5. In addition to the filth and squalor or of Charlie's room, what is most surprising about Charlie's room?

(see the answer key)

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