The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Middles: Underwater Cryptography, Hair, Rain and Cake, and Reunion,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a perambulator?
(a) An early kind of phonograph or music player.
(b) A baby carriage, or stroller.
(c) A heater which uses water.
(d) A constable ( police officer).

2. When Winter returns to the telling of her story, she talks of the village men asking for Dr. Maudsley's help with the twins. How does the doctor first attempt to solve the problem?
(a) He diagnoses insanity and recommends that the twins be sent to an asylum.
(b) He visits every day for two weeks and then gives up in failure.
(c) He, according to common practice of the time, uses leeches to try to clean their blood.
(d) He sends his wife to talk to the twin's mother.

3. Hester has become quite well-read on what subject?
(a) The relationship and behavior of twins.
(b) The architecture of old English houses.
(c) The geneological history of the Angelfield family.
(d) The treatment of mental illness using leeches.

4. What does Merrily often do while she is hanging clothes or doing housework?
(a) Sets her baby outside in her yard.
(b) Asks the Angelfield twins to babysit.
(c) Tells ghost stories that frighten the twins.
(d) Chats with Isabelle Angelfield.

5. After several weeks into the interview process, what sound does Margaret hear late at night?
(a) A child crying.
(b) Someone singing long, erratic, notes of music.
(c) Someone calling her name.
(d) Wolves howling on the moors.

Short Answer Questions

1. Vida Winter is reluctant to let Margaret leave for a few days. Why?

2. How does Margaret arrange a secret meeting in the secret quarters at Vida WInter's house?

3. Who does Margaret surmise must have tampered with the ladder's safety latch?

4. What are the words that come to Margaret as she struggles to understand them?

5. A woman in white used what to hurt a visitor to the Angelfield house?

(see the answer key)

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